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  • How to describe a link through programming?
  • List of HFSQL properties used to describe a link programmatically
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Stored procedures
Describes a link between two data files through programming.
After the call to HDescribeLink:
  • The description of the link is validated.
  • The link description cannot be modified anymore.
  • The variable for link description is reinitialized. A new link description can be done.
Remark: To add a relationship to an HFSQL Client/Server database, use HAddLink.
<Result> = HDescribeLink(<Link>)
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the operation was performed,
  • False if a problem occurs. HErrorInfo is used to identify the error.
<Link>: Link Description variable
Name of the Link description variable that corresponds to the link to create.

How to describe a link through programming?

To describe a link through programming, you must:
  1. Use the Link description variables.
  2. Describe the characteristics of the link via the HFSQL properties.
  3. Use HDescribeLink to save the description of the link.
Remark: To describe a data file through programming, use HDescribeFile. To describe items through programming, use HDescribeItem.

List of HFSQL properties used to describe a link programmatically

The following properties are available in read/write mode.
DeletionRuleThe DeletionRule property is used to configure the deletion rule (integrity management) to be applied to the data file described programmatically.
LinkedFileThe LinkedFile property is used to set the characteristics of a link.
LinkedKeyThe LinkedKey property sets the characteristics of a link.
MaxLinkedCardinalityThe MaxLinkedCardinality property gets and changes the maximum cardinality of the related item.
MaxSourceCardinalityThe MaxSourceCardinality property gets and changes the maximum cardinality of the source item in the link.
MinLinkedCardinalityThe MinLinkedCardinality property gets and changes the minimum cardinality of the related item.
MinSourceCardinalityThe MinSourceCardinality property gets and changes the minimum cardinality of the source item in the link.
ModificationRuleThe ModificationRule property is used to configure the modification rule (integrity management) to be applied to the data file described in the code.
NameThe Name property is used to get:
  • the name of the font associated with a Font variable.
  • the name of a control, report or report block.
  • the name of a control, group of controls or window.
  • the name of a control, group of controls or page.
SourceFileThe SourceFile property is used to set the characteristics of a link.
SourceKeyThe SourceKey property sets the characteristics of a link.
Component: wd300hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/06/2024

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