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Stored procedures
Hyper File functions available for backward compatibility
The following are the Hyper File functions (used in version 5.5) kept for compatibility and the equivalent functions in version SaaS.
BinaryInfoUsed to get information on 4.1 binary memo (type, name, date, time and size of the source file).

Equivalent function: HInfoMemo
BinaryLoadLoads a binary file in a 4.1 memo item (initialize a binary memo with the file content).

Equivalent function: HLinkMemo.
BinarySaveSaves the content of a 4.1 binary memo item in a file.

Equivalent function: HExtractMemo
HAlias_55Creates an alias for a logical file or cancels all existing aliases of a logical file.

Equivalent function: HAlias.
HAliasExternalLoads the description of Hyper File files contained in an analysis external to the application without closing the current analysis.

Equivalent functions:
  • HDeclare: Imports a file description from an analysis other than the current analysis.
  • HDeclareExternal: Imports a file description from an existing file.
HAssignModifies the access path to a file.

Equivalent function: HChangeDir.
HCopyRecord_55Copies the current record in a file to the current record of another file with the same structure.

Equivalent function: HCopyRecord
HCreateView_55Creates a view on a Hyper File file.

Equivalent function: HCreateView.
HDescribeKeyDescribes a simple or composite key in a temporary file in Hyper File format.

Equivalent method:
  1. Declare a variable of type Item Description.
  2. Define all the properties of the item with the HFSQL properties.
  3. Use HDescribeItem to validate the item creation.
HDescribeTrigger_55Adds or modifies a trigger on Hyper File.

Equivalent function: HDescribeTrigger
HDuplicatesChecks the uniqueness of a key.

Equivalent method: this function has been replaced with:
  • an automatic management of duplicates, allowing the user to enter a different value for the item generating a duplicate error.
  • the HErrorDuplicates function.
HEndLockMarks the end of lock for the files: all the locked records are unlocked.

Equivalent functions:
HImportText_55Imports a text file into a Hyper File file.

Equivalent function: HImportText.
HIndex_55Reindexes a Hyper File file belonging to the current analysis.

Equivalent function: HIndex.
HInfoGeneReturns general information about a Hyper File file.

Equivalent method: this function has been replaced with:
  • functions (for example, HNbRec replaces the H.NbRec variable).
  • HFSQL properties (for example, the Directory property replaces the H.Dir variable).
HInfoItemUsed to get information about an analysis item.

Equivalent method: this function has been replaced with HFSQL properties.
HIsLockedChecks whether the last WINDEV operation was run or not.

Equivalent method: this function has been replaced with:
  • an automatic management of locks (that can be disabled if necessary),
  • the HErrorLock function.
HReadFirstLockReads and locks the first record of the file according to the specified key.

Equivalent function: HReadFirst with lock constants.
HReadFirstNoLockReads the first record according to the specified key. If the file is locked, the record read is not locked.

Equivalent function: HReadFirst with lock constants.
HReadLastLockReads and locks the last record of the file according to the key passed as parameter.

Equivalent function: HReadLast with lock constants.
HReadLastNoLockReads the last file record according to the key passed as parameter. If the file is locked, the record read is not locked.

Equivalent function: HReadLast with lock constants.
HReadLockReads and locks a record according to the specified record number.

Equivalent function: HRead with lock constants.
HReadNextLockReads and locks the previous record according to the specified key.

Equivalent function: HReadNext with lock constants.
HReadNextNoLockReads the next record according to the specified key. If the file is locked, the record read is not locked.

Equivalent function: HReadNext with lock constants.
HReadNoLockReads the record according to the specified record number. If the file is locked, the record read is not locked.

Equivalent function: HRead with lock constants.
HReadPreviousLockReads and locks the previous record according to the specified key.

Equivalent function: HReadPrevious with lock constants.
HReadPreviousNoLockReads the previous record according to the specified key. If the file is locked, the record read is not locked.

Equivalent function: HReadPrevious with lock constants.
HReadSeekLockReads and locks the first record which value of the specified key is equal to or greater than the value of the search criterion.

Equivalent function: HReadSeek with lock constants.

Equivalent function: HReadSeek with lock constants.
HReadSeekNoLockReads the first record which value of the specified key is equal to or greater than the value of the search criterion. If the file is locked, the record read is not locked.

Equivalent function: HReadSeek with lock constants.
HStartLockMarks the beginning of the read lock on files. All the 'simple' read functions automatically lock the records that have been read.

Equivalent functions:
HSubstNameModifies the physical name of a data file.

Equivalent function: HChangeName.
HViewToTablePopulates a Table control programmatically with a view.

Equivalent function: FileToMemoryTable.
See also
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 08/24/2023

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