Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / HFSQL functions
  • Position in relation to a key item or to a non-key item
  • Position in a filtered iteration
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Stored procedures
Sets the position on a record, based on the approximate position of one of its items. The record is read.
This function can be used with the data files, HFSQL views or queries.
Caution: HSetPosition can only be used to set a position. To find out the current position, use HGetCurrentPosition.
HSetPosition(Customer, Name, 500)
<Result> = HSetPosition(<Data file> [, <Item>] , <Position> [, <Precision>])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the positioning was performed,
  • False otherwise. HError returns more details about the problem. If no record corresponds, HOut returns True and no record is read.
<Data file>: Character string
Name of the data file, view or query used.
If this name is not specified, HSetPosition will use the last data file used by the last HFSQL function (function starting with "H").
<Item>: Optional character string
Name of the item used.
If this name is not specified, HSetPosition will use the last item used by the last HFSQL management function (function starting with "H").
<Position>: Integer
Approximate position to fix. This position must be found in the [1;1000] interval.
<Precision>: Optional integer
Defines the precision with which the position is performed. Caution: The higher the precision, the longer it takes to be positioned in the file.
hPrecisionHighHigh precision.
hPrecisionLowLow precision.
(default value)
Medium precision.

Position in relation to a key item or to a non-key item

  • For a key item, the position is relative to the order of the record in the index of this item.
  • For a non-key item, the position is relative to the number of the record in the data file (see HRecNum).

Position in a filtered iteration

If a filter with bounds is defined (HFilter without condition string but with lower and upper bounds), the position is relative to the records selected by the filter.
If a condition string is given to HFilter, the position ignores the filter.
Component: wd300hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/04/2024

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