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Stored procedures
Returns the number of duplicates for a given key item. This number of duplicates was calculated during the last calculation of statistics.
// Calculate statistics about duplicates on the CustName key of the Customer data file
ResStat = HStatNbDuplicates(Customer, CustName)
<Result> = HStatNbDuplicates([<Data file> [, <Key item>]])
<Result>: Integer
Number of duplicates found. Corresponds to the hInvalidRecNum constant if:
  • the statistics have never been calculated for the specified item.
  • the statistics are not supported by the specified type of item. HFSQL allows you to perform statistical calculations on key items only.
<Data file>: Optional character string
Name of the data file used. If this name is not specified, HStatNbDuplicates will use the last data file used by the last HFSQL function (function starting with "H").
<Key item>: Optional character string
Name of the key item used to calculate statistics. If this name is not specified, HStatNbDuplicates will use the last item used by the last HFSQL management function (function starting with "H").
  • The statistics can also be updated by HIndex. HIndex and HStatCalculate are the only two functions that update the statistics of the data file.
  • In the HFSQL Classic data files, the statistical calculations can only be performed on key items.
  • The number of duplicates corresponds to the total numer of entries less the number of distinct values. For example, if the entries are the numbers: 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9, then the number of duplicates is 12-7 = 5.
Component: wd300hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/04/2024

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