- Menu identifier
- Enabled/Disabled line
- Languages
grMenuOption (Function) In french: grOptionMenu Modifies the text of an option in the context menu of a chart. Remark: - The context menu is enabled by default. To modify the status of the context menu, use grMenu.
- This function can be used only if the chart menus are in compatibility mode (enabled with the grMenuForCompatibility constant of the grMenu function).
grMenuOption("MonGraphe", 50, "Imprimer le graphe")
grMenuOption(GRF_MonGraphe, 50, "Imprimer le graphe")
grMenuOption(<Chart name> , <Option identifier> , <Text>)
<Chart name>: Control name or character string Name of the chart defined by grCreate or name of the Chart control in the window editor. <Option identifier>: Integer Identifier of the option in the context menu. <Text>: Character string New text for the specified menu option. If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the specified menu line is deactivated: this line will no longer be displayed in the menu.. Remarks Menu identifier The menu identifiers are defined as follows: | | Main menu | 10 | Chart type | 20 | Fonts | 30 | Legend | 40 | Gridlines | 70 | Axes | 80 | Style | 90 | Zoom | 100 | Enable animations | 110 | Enable crosshair | 60 | Save as | 50 | Print | Type of Chart submenu | 1020 | Line | 1011 | Pie | 1092 | Radar | 1030 | Column | 1080 | Area | 1060 | Scatter | 1093 | Chart with bubble | 1095 | Surface | 1070 | Stock | 1094 | Funnel | 1098 | HeatMap | 1100 | 3D spatial view | "Pie" submenu | 1010 | Pie | 1090 | Semi-circular | 1091 | Donut | 1097 | Sunburst | "Column" submenu | 1031 | Clustered Column chart | 1032 | Stacked Column chart | 1033 | Depth column chart (3DS) | 1034 | Horizontal Column chart | 1035 | Horizontal Stacked Column chart | 1096 | Waterfall | "Area" submenu | 1083 | Area | 1081 | Depth area (3DS) | 1082 | Stacked area (3DS) | "Stock" submenu | 1071 | Candlestick | 1072 | BarCharts | 1073 | MinMax | "Font" submenu | 2010 | Title of chart | 2020 | Title of axes | 2030 | Legend | 2040 | Labels | "Legend" submenu | 3010 | None | 3020 | Right | 3030 | Left | 3040 | Top | 3050 | Bottom | "Gridlines" submenu | 4010 | Horizontal | 4020 | Vertical | "Axes" sub-mneu | 7010 | X-coordinates on horizontal axis | 7020 | Horizontal axis oriented to the right | 7030 | Vertical axis oriented to the top | "Style" submenu | 8010 | Raised | 8020 | Gradient | 8030 | Smoothing | "Zoom" submenu | 9010 | Horizontal zoom | 9020 | Vertical zoom | 9030 | Initial zoom |
Enabled/Disabled line - To disable a menu option, use grMenuOption and specify an empty string ("") in the <Text> parameter.
- To re-enable a menu option disabled by grMenuOption, use this function with the same menu identifier and specify a non-empty caption.
- The data defined by grMenuOption will be taken into account during the next call to grDraw.
Languages - The context menu is available in two languages (English and French). No language can be added.
- The text is modified in the current language. To manage the foreign languages, modify the preset texts.
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