| |
gpwActivateUser | Validates a new user in the User Groupware database by activating the user. |
gpwAddAuthLogin | Adds a login button (Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc.) in the login window or page. |
gpwAddUser | Adds a user to the User Groupware database. |
gpwAddUserToGroup | Adds a user to a group of the User Groupware database. |
gpwAuthLogin | Allows you to connect to the User Groupware using authentication with an account such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc. |
gpwBiometricAuthentication | Enables biometric authentication for the connected user or retrieves the current status for the connected user. |
gpwCheckPassword | Checks a password (encrypted or not). |
gpwCheckUser | Checks the existence and validity of the password for a user of the user groupware. |
gpwConnectUser | Logs a user in to the User Groupware. |
gpwDefault | Returns the value that corresponds to "DEFAULT" according to the framework used. |
gpwDisconnectUser | Disconnects the current user from the User Groupware. |
gpwEncryptedPasswords | Determines whether the User Groupware passwords are encrypted. |
gpwEncryptPassword | Returns the encrypted password. |
gpwEnumControl | Enumerates the controls found in a window or page. |
gpwFindUser | Retrieves the characteristics of a user of the user groupware. |
gpwForgottenPassword | Runs an action to retrieve or change the password of a user. |
gpwGetFileInfo | Retrieves the directory of the data files found in the User Groupware. |
gpwGetLDAPInfo | Retrieves the configuration of the LDAP server used for the User Groupware. |
gpwGetRights | Used to get the rights granted to a control, a window, a page or a report. |
gpwGetUserInfo | Retrieves information about the current user (application that uses the User Groupware). |
gpwImportLDAPUsers | Imports users from an LDAP directory to the user file of the User Groupware. |
gpwInitAnalysis | Initialize the analysis of the User Groupware. |
gpwInLDAPMode | Determines whether users will authenticate to the User Groupware using an LDAP directory. |
gpwListOAuthParameters | Retrieves the list of OAuth parameters defined for the User Groupware, i.e. the list of providers (Google, Facebook, etc.) to which it is possible to connect via the User Groupware. These parameters are defined via the User Groupware administration site. |
gpwListUser | Gets the list of users in the User Groupware. |
gpwLogin | Connects a user to an application that uses the User Groupware. |
gpwMode | Returns the User Groupware runtime mode. |
gpwModifyUser | Modifies a user in the User Groupware database. |
gpwNone | Returns the value of the word "NONE" according to the framework used. |
gpwOpen | Opens the User Groupware login window or page. |
gpwOpenConfiguration | Opens the User Groupware configuration window or page. |
gpwOpenConnection | Opens a connection to a specific Client/Server database to manage User Groupware files in Client/Server mode. |
gpwOpenLDAPSession | Informs the User Groupware that the authentication of users will be done via an LDAP directory. |
gpwOpenSite | Allows you to start the site when using the user groupware. |
gpwRegisteredUsers | Returns the value that corresponds to "Registered users" according to the framework being used. |
gpwRemoteConnect | Allows connecting to the application via the User Groupware Webservice. |
gpwResetPassword | Resets the password of a registered user. |
gpwSupervisor | Returns the username of the "Supervisor" account according to the framework being used. |
gpwVisitor | Returns the value that corresponds to the word "Visitor" according to the framework used. |