| | |
Constant | Description | Used by |
gpwActivationByEmail | The user is activated by email. An email is automatically sent (the email characteristics are defined in the administration page). | gpwActivateUser, gpwForgottenPassword |
gpwActivationImmediate | The user is immediately activated. | gpwActivateUser, gpwForgottenPassword |
gpwCancel | The user has clicked the Cancel button. | gpwLogin |
gpwConnection | Connection with a user that has been created and registered. | gpwAuthLogin |
gpwDefault | Name of the default user group: Default group.From version 24, this constant is no longer available. It has been replaced with the gpwDefault function. | |
gpwError | An error occurred during the user login process. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo | gpwLogin, gpwOpen, gpwActivateUser, gpwForgottenPassword, gpwCheckUser |
gpwFacebook | Login with a Facebook account. | gpwAddAuthLogin, gpwAuthLogin |
gpwFullDetails | Full details about the current user. | gpwGetUserInfo |
gpwGoogle | Login with a Google account. | gpwAddAuthLogin, gpwAuthLogin |
gpwInfoFirstName | User's first name. | gpwGetUserInfo |
gpwInfoGroup | Name of the group the user belongs to. | gpwGetUserInfo |
gpwInfoLastName | User's last name. | gpwGetUserInfo |
gpwInfoLogin | Username. | gpwGetUserInfo |
gpwInfoRightDir | Directory of the rights file. | gpwGetFileInfo |
gpwInfoSupervisor | Determines whether the logged-in user is an administrator. | gpwGetUserInfo |
gpwInfoTwoFactorAuthentication | Determines whether the two-factor authentication is enabled. | gpwGetUserInfo |
gpwInfoUserDir | Directory of the users file. | gpwGetFileInfo |
gpwInvalidPassword | The password is not valid. It does not match the user password defined in the groupware database. | gpwLogin, gpwOpen, gpwCheckUser |
gpwLDAPDNBase | Base DN (character string in "DC=xxx,DC=zzz..." format). | gpwGetLDAPInfo |
gpwLDAPNoFile | LDAP directory usage mode. True if the User Groupware is started "without data files", in authentication mode only. | gpwGetLDAPInfo |
gpwLDAPPort | Port of the LDAP server. | gpwGetLDAPInfo |
gpwLDAPServer | Name of the LDAP server. | gpwGetLDAPInfo |
gpwLDAPVersion | Number of the LDAP version. | gpwGetLDAPInfo |
gpwManagement | Switches to administration mode. | |
gpwMicrosoft | Login with a Facebook account. | gpwAddAuthLogin, gpwAuthLogin |
gpwModeGroupware | User Groupware authentication is used. | gpwMode |
gpwModeLDAP | LDAP authentication is used. | gpwMode |
gpwModeWindows | Windows authentication is used. | gpwMode |
gpwNone | Name of the default user group: None group.From version 24, this constant is no longer available. It has been replaced with the gpwNone function. | |
gpwOK | The user is logged in | gpwLogin, gpwOpen, gpwCheckUser |
gpwRegisteredUsers | Group of registered users.From version 24, this constant is no longer available. It has been replaced with the gpwRegisteredUsers function. | |
gpwRightsAddApplication | Access rights: Right to add an application in the Private Store. | gpwUser variable |
gpwRightsNone | Access rights: No rights to add applications in the Private Store. | gpwUser variable |
gpwSalesforce | Login with a Salesforce account. | gpwAddAuthLogin, gpwAuthLogin |
gpwStateAllowed | Element state: The element is in the available state. | |
gpwStateDefault | Element state: The element is in the default state. | gpwGetRights |
gpwStateForbidden | Element state: The element is forbidden. | |
gpwStateGrayed | Element state: The control is grayed out. | gpwGetRights |
gpwStateInactive | Element state: The control is inactive. | gpwGetRights |
gpwStateInvisible | Element state: The control is invisible. | gpwGetRights |
gpwSupervisor | Name of the default user group: Supervisor group.From version 24, this constant is no longer available. It has been replaced with the gpwSupervisor function. | |
gpwUnknownUser | The user is not listed in the User Groupware database. | gpwLogin, gpwOpen, gpwCheckUser |
gpwVisitor | Visitor user.From version 24, this constant is no longer available. It has been replaced with the gpwVisitor function. | |
gpwYahoo | Login with a Yahoo account. | gpwAddAuthLogin, gpwAuthLogin |