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Stored procedures
ConstantDescriptionUsed by
gpwActivationByEmailThe user is activated by email. An email is automatically sent (the email characteristics are defined in the administration page).gpwActivateUser, gpwForgottenPassword
gpwActivationImmediateThe user is immediately activated.gpwActivateUser, gpwForgottenPassword
gpwCancelThe user has clicked the Cancel button.gpwLogin
gpwConnectionConnection with a user that has been created and registered. gpwAuthLogin
gpwDefaultName of the default user group: Default group.
From version 24, this constant is no longer available. It has been replaced with the gpwDefault function.
gpwErrorAn error occurred during the user login process. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfogpwLogin, gpwOpen,
gpwActivateUser, gpwForgottenPassword, gpwCheckUser
gpwFacebookLogin with a Facebook account. gpwAddAuthLogin, gpwAuthLogin
gpwFullDetailsFull details about the current user. gpwGetUserInfo
gpwGoogleLogin with a Google account. gpwAddAuthLogin, gpwAuthLogin
gpwInfoFirstNameUser's first name.gpwGetUserInfo
gpwInfoGroupName of the group the user belongs to.gpwGetUserInfo
gpwInfoLastNameUser's last name.gpwGetUserInfo
gpwInfoRightDirDirectory of the rights file.gpwGetFileInfo
gpwInfoSupervisorDetermines whether the logged-in user is an administrator.gpwGetUserInfo
gpwInfoTwoFactorAuthenticationDetermines whether the two-factor authentication is enabled.gpwGetUserInfo
gpwInfoUserDirDirectory of the users file.gpwGetFileInfo
gpwInvalidPasswordThe password is not valid. It does not match the user password defined in the groupware database.gpwLogin, gpwOpen,
gpwLDAPDNBaseBase DN (character string in "DC=xxx,DC=zzz..." format).gpwGetLDAPInfo
gpwLDAPNoFileLDAP directory usage mode. True if the User Groupware is started "without data files", in authentication mode only.gpwGetLDAPInfo
gpwLDAPPortPort of the LDAP server.gpwGetLDAPInfo
gpwLDAPServerName of the LDAP server.gpwGetLDAPInfo
gpwLDAPVersionNumber of the LDAP version.gpwGetLDAPInfo
gpwManagementSwitches to administration mode.
gpwMicrosoftLogin with a Facebook account. gpwAddAuthLogin, gpwAuthLogin
gpwModeGroupwareUser Groupware authentication is used.gpwMode
gpwModeLDAPLDAP authentication is used.gpwMode
gpwModeWindowsWindows authentication is used.gpwMode
gpwNoneName of the default user group: None group.
From version 24, this constant is no longer available. It has been replaced with the gpwNone function.
gpwOKThe user is logged ingpwLogin, gpwOpen,
gpwRegisteredUsersGroup of registered users.
From version 24, this constant is no longer available. It has been replaced with the gpwRegisteredUsers function.
gpwRightsAddApplicationAccess rights: Right to add an application in the Private Store. gpwUser variable
gpwRightsNoneAccess rights: No rights to add applications in the Private Store. gpwUser variable
gpwSalesforceLogin with a Salesforce account. gpwAddAuthLogin, gpwAuthLogin
gpwStateAllowedElement state: The element is in the available state.
gpwStateDefaultElement state: The element is in the default state.gpwGetRights
gpwStateForbiddenElement state: The element is forbidden.
gpwStateGrayedElement state: The control is grayed out.gpwGetRights
gpwStateInactiveElement state: The control is inactive.gpwGetRights
gpwStateInvisibleElement state: The control is invisible.gpwGetRights
gpwSupervisorName of the default user group: Supervisor group.
From version 24, this constant is no longer available. It has been replaced with the gpwSupervisor function.
gpwUnknownUserThe user is not listed in the User Groupware database.gpwLogin, gpwOpen,
gpwVisitorVisitor user.
From version 24, this constant is no longer available. It has been replaced with the gpwVisitor function.
gpwYahooLogin with a Yahoo account. gpwAddAuthLogin, gpwAuthLogin
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/23/2024

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