- Timeout
- Rights of users
- Required permissions
FTPCurrentDir (Function) In french: FTPRepEnCours Identifies or modifies the current directory on an FTP server (File Transfer Protocol).
// Identify the current directory on the FTP server ResCurrentDir = FTPCurrentDir(7)
Finding out the current directory Hide the details
<Result> = FTPCurrentDir(<Connection ID>)
<Result>: Character string - Absolute name of current directory on the FTP server,
- Empty string ("") if an error occurred. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
<Connection ID>: Integer Connection identifier, returned by FTPConnect.
Modifying the current directory Hide the details
<Result> = FTPCurrentDir(<Connection ID> , <New current directory>)
<Result>: Boolean - True if the current directory was modified,
- False otherwise. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
<Connection ID>: Integer Connection identifier, returned by FTPConnect. <New current directory>: Character string Name and full (or relative) path of new current directory. The different path sections are separated by "slashes" ("/"). Remarks By default, all the FTP functions fail if the FTP server does not respond within 20 seconds. This timeout can be modified with FTPConnect when connecting to the FTP server. Only a user who has write rights on the FTP server can handle the files or the directories found on an FTP server. In most cases, no write rights are granted to the "anonymous" users.
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