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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / Managing faxes
  • Overview
  • How to handle faxes?
  • Programming the use of faxes
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Handling incoming or outgoing faxes
To send and receive faxes directly from an WINDEV application or a WEBDEV website, several functions allow you to handle faxes via the fax server available in Windows XP and Windows 2000. In Windows Vista, the management of faxes is available in Windows Vista Professional Edition and Windows Vista Ultimate Edition.
Reminder: it is also possible to send faxes from a WINDEV application or WEBDEV site.. For more details, see Sending faxes.
How to handle faxes?
To handle the incoming or outgoing faxes from a WINDEV application or a WEBDEV website, you must:
Programming the use of faxes
To use the incoming or outgoing faxes from a WINDEV application, you must:
  1. Read the content of the in-box (FaxInbox) or the content of the out-box (FaxOutbox) of faxes. These functions are used to retrieve the numeric identifiers of incoming or pending faxes.
  2. The fax identifiers allows you to:
    • Find out the status of the fax and its characteristics (FaxStatus and FaxCompleteStatus structure).
    • Handle the fax with the following functions:
      FaxDeleteDeletes a fax from the spooler and cancels it. Then, FaxStatus can no longer be used on this fax.
      FaxPausePauses a fax in the spooler. If the fax is enabled, it will be paused when it goes back to the spooler.
      FaxRestartRestarts a fax in the spooler. This function only applies to the pending faxes.
      FaxResumeRe-enables a fax paused in the spooler (pending fax).
Related Examples:
Sending a fax Unit examples (WINDEV): Sending a fax
[ + ] Sending a fax with WINDEV. The fax can be sent via a fax server or via a modem properly installed and configured on the user computer.
Minimum version required
  • Version 10
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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