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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / Managing faxes
  • Using a fax server installed on a computer other than the current computer
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Establishes a connection to a fax server.
Note: This function can only be used under Windows 2000, XP or higher or on a server running Windows 2000, XP or higher.. In Windows Vista, the management of faxes is available in Windows Vista Professional Edition and Windows Vista Ultimate Edition.
IDConnect is int
IDConnect = FaxConnect()
IF IDConnect = 0 THEN 
	Error("La connexion au serveur de fax a échoué." + ...
		"Vérifiez que celui-ci est bien démarré", ...
<Result> = FaxConnect([<Fax server name>])
<Result>: Integer
  • Connection ID,
  • 0 if an error occurs. The corresponding error message is returned by ErrorInfo.
<Fax server name>: Optional character string
Name of the fax server. If this parameter is not specified, the fax server corresponds to the current computer.
Warning: the fax server must be started and configured in send mode.. For more details, see Sending faxes.

Using a fax server installed on a computer other than the current computer

You have the ability to use a fax server installed on a computer other than the current computer. In this case, the computer where the fax server is installed must be running Windows Server 2003. The fax server must be shared. Then, the name of fax server must be specified in FaxConnect.
The computer from which the faxes will be sent must be equipped with a local fax server.
For example, if the fax server is installed on the "FaxServer1" computer, use the following code:
IDConnect is int
IDConnect = FaxConnect("ServeurFax1")
Component: wd300com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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