- Example of extracted path
- Example of extracted path
fExtractPath (Function) In french: fExtraitChemin Returns the different elements of a path: drive, directories, name and extension of the file.
<Result> = fExtractPath(<File path> , <Path section to extract>)
<Result>: Character string - Requested path section,
- Empty string ("") if an error occurred. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
<File path>: Character string Name and full or relative path of the file (up to 260 characters). A UNC path can be used. The existence of <File path> is not checked by fExtractPath. If the path does not end with a "\" character, the last element is considered as being a file.
<Path section to extract>: Constant or combination of constants Section of file path to extract: | | fDirectory | Different file directories (the file name and extension are not returned). | fDrive | Drive name.
| fExtension | File extension, preceded by "." | fFile | File name (without extension). |
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