- Overview
- Displaying a custom message
- Exception mechanism
Managing the programming errors
The security mechanism of WLanguage is enabled when a programming error occurs in an application or in a site. An error message is displayed on the end-user computer and the execution of the program is ended. To reduce the impact of programming errors, WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile and WEBDEV include different solutions: - The display of a custom error message.
   This option is not available. - The mechanism of exceptions. This allows you to customize the management of the error.
Attention: These solutions can only be used to manage programming errors.. These solutions cannot be used to manage the runtime errors (such as "unable to write into a read-only file"). To manage the runtime errors, see Automatic error management. Displaying a custom message The exception mechanism is used to process the error cases programmatically. If an exception process is triggered, no error message is displayed and the code of the exception is run. This code allows you to perform all the necessary operations: - to exit from the current application "properly" if the error is a fatal error,
- to give control back to the user if the error can be corrected.
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile propose several types of exception processes:
Related Examples:
Unit examples (WINDEV): Dynamic compilation
[ + ] Dynamic compilation of WLanguage code (stored in string format), execution of the dynamically generated procedure and process of possible runtime errors. The dynamic compilation is very useful when mathematical calculations are proposed to the end user for example.
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