Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Drag and drop functions
  • Variables
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Stored procedures
Indicates the procedure to run during an event of Drag/Drop.
Remark: To determine the behavior of a control from the code when it is dragged and dropped, use the DndTarget and DndSource properties with the dndProgram constant.
// Call the OnDrop procedure when the left mouse button
// is released on the target control named "EDT_Find"
DnDEvent("OnDrop", EDT_Find, dndDrop)
DnDEvent(<Procedure> , <Control name> , <Type of event>)
<Procedure>: Character string
Name of the procedure that must be called during the <Type of event> event on the <Control name> control.
<Control name>: Character string
Name of the control on which the event must be processed.
<Type of event>: Constant
Type of event triggering the call to <Procedure>:
dndBeginDragBeginning of a Drag/Drop in a source control.
dndDragEnterEntry in a target control.
dndDragLeaveExit from a target control.
dndDragOverHover a target control.
dndDropRelease the left mouse button on a target control.
dndEndDragEnd of Drag/Drop.


The following variables can be used:
Variable nameDescription
_DND.ActionAction specified in DnDAccept.
The possible values are: dndCopy, dndMove and dndNone.
This variable is not filled at the beginning of Drag and Drop in a source control (dndBeginDrag constant) or when exiting from a target control (dndDragLeave constant).
_DND.TargetControlName of the target control.
This variable is not filled at the beginning of Drag and Drop in a source control (dndBeginDrag constant) or when exiting from a target control (dndDragLeave constant).
_DND.SourceControlName of source control.
_DND.CtrlDownStatus of Ctrl key:
  • True: the Ctrl key is pressed.
  • False: the Ctrl key is not pressed.
This variable is not filled at the beginning of Drag and Drop in a source control (dndBeginDrag constant) or when exiting from a target control (dndDragLeave constant).
_DND.SourceWinName of source window.
This variable is not filled when exiting from a target control (dndDragLeave constant).
_DND.MouseXPosHorizontal position (X) of mouse cursor in relation to the control handled during the event.
This variable is not filled when exiting from a target control (dndDragLeave constant).
_DND.MouseYPosVertical position (Y) of mouse cursor in relation to the control handled during the event.
This variable is not filled when exiting from a target control (dndDragLeave constant).

The _DND.SourceControl and _DND.SourceWin variables return an empty string ("") when the Drag and Drop comes from an application other than the current application.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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