- Drawing in PHP
- Drawing in Browser code
dModifyHue (Function) In french: dModifieTeinte Modifies the hue of an image found: - in an Image control,
- in a variable of type Image.
 This type of variable is not available.
dModifyHue(IMG_Image1, 50)
<Result> = dModifyHue(<Source image> , <Variation of hue> [, <Destination image>])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the change was performed,
- False otherwise.
<Source image>: Character string or Image variable Image to use. This image can correspond to: - the name of an Image control.
- the name of a variable of type Image.
 This type of variable is not available.
<Variation of hue>: Integer Value included between -360 and +360. This value will be added to the current hue of each pixel to get a new hue. <Destination image>: Optional character string or Image variable Image where the transformed image will be drawn. This image can correspond to:- the name of an Image control.
- the name of a variable of type Image.
 This type of variable is not available.
If this parameter is not specified, the transformation will be performed on the <Source image>.
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