- Image found in a Web Camera control
- Drawing in browser code
- Drawing in PHP
dSaveImageGIF (Function) In french: dSauveImageGIF Saves an image: This image corresponds to the image found: - in an Image control.
- in a variable of type Image.
 This type of variable is not available. - in a Bar Code control.
 The Bar Code controls are not available in this version. Therefore, no image found in a Bar Code control can be saved. - in a Web Camera control.
Remarks: - Only the visible part of the Image control is saved.
- This function can only be used to save the images for screen resolutions up to 32 bits.
- This function cannot be used with the Image controls found in reports.
ResSauvegarde = dSaveImageGIF(IMG_ImageDessin, inMemory)
Saving an image in memory Hide the details
<Result> = dSaveImageGIF(<Image> , <inMemory> [, <Number of colors>])
<Result>: Buffer Byte string containing the image in GIF format. Then, this byte string can be assigned to an Image control, saved in a file (fSaveText), sent via a network (with the Socket functions), ...
<Image>: Name of the Image control or variable - Name of the Image, Bar Code or Web Camera control to be saved. Image controls in a report cannot be used.
Name of the Image or Web Camera control to be used. - Name of the Image variable to be used.
 This type of variable is not available.
<inMemory>: Constant inMemory: Constant used to save an image in memory. <Number of colors>: Optional integer Number of colors for the image saved. Value included between 16 and 256 (256 by default). This parameter corresponds to the number of colors proposed in the color palette when using the GIF file. Remarks Image found in a Web Camera control Only the image displayed when dSaveImageGIF is executed is saved as a GIF image. To save this image, you can also use: - function VideoCapture: the image will be saved in BMP format.
- the dSaveImageBMP function: the image will be saved in BMP or memory format.
- the dSaveImageJPEG function: the image will be saved in JPEG format or in memory.
- the dSaveImagePNG function: the image will be saved in PNG format or in memory.
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