- Displaying a PNG image
- Transparent image in PNG format
- Drawing in PHP
dSaveImagePNG (Function) In french: dSauveImagePNG
ResSauvegarde = dSaveImagePNG(IMG_ImageDessin, "C:\Documents\Image.PNG")
ResSauvegarde = dSaveImagePNG(IMG_ImageDessin, inMemory)
Saving an image in memory Hide the details
<Result> = dSaveImagePNG(<Image> , <inMemory> [, <Transparency color>])
<Result>: Buffer Byte string containing the image in PNG format. Then, this byte string can be assigned to an Image control, saved in a file (fSaveText), sent via a network (with the Socket functions), ...
<Image>: Name of the Image control or variable - Name of the Image, Bar Code or Web Camera control to be used. Image controls in a report cannot be used.
Name of the Image or Web Camera control to be used. - Name of the Image variable to be used.
 This type of variable is not available.
<inMemory>: Constant inMemory: Constant used to save an image in memory. <Transparency color>: Optional integer Color that will be considered as being transparent in the image. This color can correspond to:If this parameter is not specified, the generated image is not transparent. Remarks Displaying a PNG image Caution: If the PNG image is semi-transparent, the image display will be slower. Transparent image in PNG format To save a transparent image in PNG format, the Image control must be filled with the transparent color beforehand. Example used to draw a transparent line and to save it in PNG format:
dStartDrawing(IMG_Image1, dWithOpacity)
FOR nI = 0 _TO_ IMG_Image1..Width
FOR nJ = 0 _TO_ IMG_Image1..Height
dPoint(nI, nJ, RGB(255,255,255), 0)
dPen(RGB(100, 020, 200), 0,10, 100)
dLine(10, 10, 100, 10)
dSaveImagePNG(IMG_Image1, CompleteDir(fExeDir()) + "img.png")
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