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  • Image found in a Web Camera control
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Stored procedures
Saves an image:
  • in a BMP file.
  • in memory.
This image corresponds to the image found:
  • in an Image control.
  • in a variable of type Image.
  • in a Bar Code control.
  • in a Web Camera control.
  • Only the visible part of the Image control is saved.
  • This function can only be used to save the images for screen resolutions up to 32 bits.
  • This function cannot be used with the Image controls found in the reports.
// Saves in memory the image found in "IMG_ImageDrawing"
ResSave = dSaveImageBMP(IMG_ImageDrawing, inMemory)
Reports and QueriesWindows
// Saves the image found in "IMG_ImageDrawing" in "C:\Documents\Image.BMP"
ResSave = dSaveImageBMP(IMG_ImageDrawing,  "C:\Documents\Image.BMP")
Reports and Queries

Saving an image in a file in BMP format Hide the details

<Result> = dSaveImageBMP(<Image> , <File name> [, <Number of colors>])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the image was saved,
  • False otherwise. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
<Image>: Name of the Image control or variable
  • Name of the Image, Bar Code or Web Camera control to be used. Image controls in a report cannot be used.
  • Name of the Image variable to be used.
<File name>: Character string
Name and full (or relative) path of BMP file to create. A UNC path can be used. The file extension is optional.
  • The destination directory must exist in order for the image to be saved.
  • The existence of the BMP file is not checked. This file is automatically overwritten if it already exists.
<Number of colors>: Optional integer
Number of colors for the image saved:
  • 0 (by default): number of colors defined in the screen resolution
  • 16: 16 colors
This parameter corresponds to the number of colors proposed in the color palette when using the BMP file.

Saving an image in memory Hide the details

<Result> = dSaveImageBMP(<Image> , <inMemory> [, <Number of colors>])
<Result>: Buffer
Byte string containing the image in BMP format. Then this byte string can be assigned to an Image control, saved in a file (fSaveText), sent via a network (with the Socket functions), ...
<Image>: Name of the Image control or variable
  • Name of the Image, Bar Code or Web Camera control to be used. Image controls in a report cannot be used.
  • Name of the Image variable to be used.
<inMemory>: Constant
inMemory: Constant used to save an image in memory.
<Number of colors>: Optional integer
Number of colors for the image saved:
  • 0 (by default): number of colors defined in the screen resolution.
  • 16: 16 colors.
This parameter corresponds to the number of colors proposed in the color palette when using the BMP file.

Image found in a Web Camera control

Only the image displayed when dSaveImageBMP is executed is saved. To save this image, you can also use:
  • the VideoCapture function: the image will be saved as a BMP file
  • the dSaveImageGIF function: the image will be saved in GIF format or in memory
  • the dSaveImageJPEG function: the image will be saved in JPEG format or in memory
  • the dSaveImagePNG function: the image will be saved in PNG format or in memory
Component: wd300pnt.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/21/2024

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