- Zoom on an image
- Drawing in PHP
- Drawing in Browser code
dCopyImage (Function) In french: dCopieImage
From version 28 (66), dCopyBlt is kept for backward compatibility. This function has been replaced with dCopyImage.
are replaced with:
Copies an image: - from an Image control to another Image control.
- in a variable of type Image.
 This type of variable is not available.
ResCopie = dCopyImage(IMG_ImageDessin, IMG_ImageCopie)
Copying images from Image controls Hide the details
<Result> = dCopyImage(<Source image control> , <Destination Image control> [, <Copy mode> [, <Source image X-coordinate> [, <Source image Y-coordinate> [, <Source image height> [, <Source image width> [, <Destination image X-coordinate> [, <Destination image Y-coordinate> [, <Destination image height> [, <Destination image width>]]]]]]]]])
- True if the image was copied,
- False otherwise.
Note: The dCopyImage function may return False if the screen driver does not support this function.. In this case, a message is displayed in the copied image. We recommend that you update your screen driver in order to get the proper behavior.
<Source image control>: Control name Name of the source Image control to be used. To perform a Hard Copy , use the constant copieEcran: the entire screen content is copied..
<Destination Image control>: Control name Name of the destination Image control the image will be copied to.
<Copy mode>: Optional constant Copy mode to be used. | | copyBlackness | Fills the destination Image control with black. | copyDstInvert | Inverts the colors of the destination Image control. | copyImage | Combines the source image with the destination image using the transparency information of the destination image Can be used to include a logo in the destination image for example. Note: Size and position in the source are not taken into account. No homothety and no zoom are allowed in this mode. | copyMergeCopy | Merges the source Image control and the destination Image control. | copyMergePaint | Combines the source Image control with the "pattern" of the destination Image control via the "Logical AND" method. | copyNotSrcCopy | Inverts the colors of the source Image control. | copyNotSrcErase | Inverts the combination between the source and the destination Image controls via the "OR" method. | copyPatCopy | Copies the "pattern" from the source Image control to the destination Image control. | copyPatInvert | Combines the pattern of the source and destination Image controls via the "XOR" (Exclusive Or) method. The current brush, defined by dBackground, is used. | copyPatPaint | Combines the inverted source Image control with the "pattern" of the destination Image control via the "OR" method. | copySrcAnd | Combines the pixels of the source and destination Image controls via the "AND" method. | copySrcCopy (Default value) | Copies the source Image control to the destination Image control (simple copy). | copySrcErase | Inverts the destination Image control and combines the result with the copy of the source Image control. | copySrcInvert | Combines the pixels of the source and destination Image controls via the "XOR" (Exclusive Or) method. | copySrcPaint | Combines the pixels of the source and destination Image controls via the "OR" method. | copyWhiteness | Fills the destination Image control with white. |
<Source image X-coordinate>: Optional integer X-coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the area to copy (upper-left corner of the source Image control by default). <Source image Y-coordinate>: Optional integer Y-coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the area to copy (upper-left corner of the source Image control by default). <Source image height>: Optional integer Height (in pixels) of the area to copy (height of the source Image control by default). <Source image width>: Optional integer Width (in pixels) of the area to copy (width of the source Image control by default). <Destination image X-coordinate>: Optional integer X-coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the copy destination area (upper-left corner of the destination Image control by default). <Destination image Y-coordinate>: Optional integer Y-coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the copy destination area (upper-left corner of the destination Image control by default). <Destination image height>: Optional integer Height (in pixels) of the area the image will be copied to (height of the destination Image control by default). If this height is greater than the height of the source image, the image will be enlarged when copied. <Destination image width>: Optional integer Width (in pixels) of the area the image will be copied to (width of the destination Image control by default). If this width is greater than the width of the source image, the image will be enlarged when copied. Name of the Image variable to be used. This image is the source image. <Destination image name>: Image variable Name of the Image variable the image will be copied to. <Source image X-coordinate>: Optional integer X-coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the area to copy (upper-left corner of the source image by default). <Source image Y-coordinate>: Optional integer Y-coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the area to copy (upper-left corner of the source image by default). <Source image height>: Optional integer Height (in pixels) of the area to copy (height of the source image by default). <Source image width>: Optional integer Width (in pixels) of the area to copy (width of the source image by default). <Destination image X-coordinate>: Optional integer X-coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the copy destination area (upper-left corner of the destination image by default). <Destination image Y-coordinate>: Optional integer Y-coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the copy destination area (upper-left corner of the destination image by default). <Destination image height>: Optional integer Height (in pixels) of the area the image will be copied to (height of the destination image by default). If this height is greater than the height of the source image, the image will be enlarged when copied. <Destination image width>: Optional integer Width (in pixels) of the area the image will be copied to (width of the destination image by default). If this width is greater than the width of the source image, the image will be enlarged when copied. Remarks Zoom on an image During a copy, you can enlarge or reduce a section of the source image when copying it to the destination image. To do so: - Define the area to enlarge (or reduce) in the source image (with the <Source image X-coordinate>, <Source image Y-coordinate>, <Source image height> and <Source image width> parameters),
- Define the display area of the result image. This area must be larger to enlarge the image and smaller to reduce the image. By default, the entire destination image is taken into account. Use <Destination image X-coordinate>, <Destination image Y-coordinate>, <Destination image height> and <Destination image width> if necessary.
The zoom percentage depends on the multiplying coefficient between the dimensions of the two areas. For example: | | 1. The area to zoom is included in a rectangle whose width is set to 30 pixels and whose height is set to 40 pixels. | 2. To zoom in by 200%, the destination area must be twice as large as the source area: a rectangle 60 pixels wide and 80 pixels high. | | |
In this case, the following line of code is used to perform the zoom operation during the copy: dCopyImage(IMG_ChampSource, IMG_ChampDestination, copySrcCopy, 10, 10, 30, 40, 10, 10, 60, 80)
- PHP installed.
- the PHP.INI file found in the Windows directory must contain the following line: "extension=php_gd2.dll" (instead of ";extension=php_gd2.dll").
- the php_gd2.dll file must exist in the directory of PHP extensions. This directory is defined in the PHP.INI file by the "extension_dir" variable.
Attention: To use the drawing functions with Internet Explorer 9, the project must include the reference to the DTD file. To do so, the HTML mode must be "HTML 4.01 Transitional + DTD". This option is available in the "Advanced" tab of the project description window. Reminder: To display the project description window, under the "Project" pane, in the "Project" group, click on "Description". Special case: Drawing in the browser of an Android phone: Browser drawing functions are only available in Android version 3 and higher.. }}
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