- Using the drawing functions
- Drawing in PHP
- Drawing in Browser code
dBackground (Function) In french: dFond
dBackground([<Image>, ] <Color> [, <Fill style> [, <Type of hatching> [, <Opacity>]]])
<Image>: Optional control name or optional Image, WDPic or picLayer variable
<Color>: Integer or constant Default background color of different drawings. This color can correspond to:- an RGB color (returned by RGB),
- an HSL color (returned by HSL),
- a WLanguage preset color.
- a variable of type Color. In this case, the opacity specified in the variable is taken into account.
 Not available.
<Fill style>: Optional integer or Integer constant Default background fill of different drawings: | | BackgroundHatched | Background filled with hatching. Corresponds to value 2 for compatibility. | BackgroundSolid (Default value) | Solid background. Corresponds to value 0 for compatibility. | BackgroundTransparent | Transparent background (<Color> is ignored). Corresponds to value 1 for compatibility. |
<Type of hatching>: Optional integer Type of background hatching used by default in the different drawings. To use this parameter, the value of <Fill style> must be equal to 2. If the value of <Fill style> is different from 2, <Type of hatching> is ignored. The different types of hatching are:- 0: Horizontal hatching
- 1: Vertical crosshatching
- 2: 60% diagonal cut
- 3: 120% diagonal hatching
- 4 (default): Cross-hatching
- 5: Diagonal cross-hatching
<Opacity>: Optional integer Opacity of color, included between 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaque). An opacity set to 128 is used to blend 50% of the color with the existing color found in the control.Remarks: - This opacity will be taken into account if the drawing was initialized with the dWithOpacity constant (dStartDrawing).
- If parameter <Couleur> corresponds to a variable of type Color, this parameter must not be specified: the opacity specified in the variable will be taken into account.
Remarks Using the drawing functions The drawing functions can be used according to 2 methods: - Method 1: Using the dDrawingStartfunction
- dStartDrawing must be called before any other drawing function. dStartDrawing is used to define the element (Image control or variable) to which the drawing functions will be applied.
- When drawing on an Image control:
- The drawing functions operate on a copy ("bitmap") of the image. You can use the drawing functions of Windows (via API or CallDLL32) but these functions must use the DC (Device Context) returned by dStartDrawing.
- dEndDrawing and dStartDrawing must not be called in the same process.
If function dEndDrawing is called in the same process as function dStartDrawing, the drawing will not appear: it will be automatically deleted.
 Method 2: Indicate the design destination directly in the syntax (via a parameter) The <Image> parameter is used to specify directly the target of the drawing. dStartDrawing becomes useless. This function must be deleted.
Related Examples:
Unit examples (WINDEV): The drawing functions
[ + ] Using the main drawing functions of WINDEV to: - Initialize an Image control for drawing - Draw simple shapes - Write a text into a drawing - Change the color in a drawing
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
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