DDESend (Function) In french: DDEEnvoie Sends a data to the program connected via DDE. MyConnection = DDEConnect("Excel", Subject) Â // Connection Counter = 3 Â // Repeats 3 times if necessary LOOP Â Â // Sends the data IF DDESend(MyConnection, Item, Data, 10) = True THEN BREAK Counter -- IF Counter = 0 THEN Error("The information was not sent to Excel") BREAK END END DDEDisconnect(MyConnection) // Disconnection
<Result> = DDESend(<Connection identifier> , <Object for Sending> , <Data> [, <Timeout>])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the sending was performed,
- False if an error occurred (DDEError returns the details of the error).
<Connection identifier>: Integer Connection identifier, returned by DDEConnect. <Object for Sending>: Character string Object for sending to the program. <Data>: Character string Data that must be sent to the connected program. <Timeout>: Optional integer or optional Duration Maximum wait duration (in seconds). If the command was not run:- If <Timeout> is specified, there is a delay of <Timeout> seconds before exiting DDESend.
- If <Timeout> is not specified, there is an endless wait.
Remark: This parameter can correspond to: - an integer corresponding to the number of seconds,
- a Duration variable,
- the duration in clear ('1s' for example).
Remarks Limit The size of the parameters used by DDESend is limited to 1000 characters.
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