- Modifying the values displayed
ControlError (Function) In french: ChampErreur
From version 17, FieldError is kept for backward compatibility. This function is replaced by ControlError.
Customizes the value displayed in the controls when the value cannot be displayed.
// Define the ceOverflow error ControlError(ceOverflow, "The control mask is too small")
ControlError(<Type of error> , <Error message>)
<Type of error>: Constant Type of error: | | | ceBrokenBinding | The value of linked item is not found (the linked value does not exist or an error occurred while it was read). | Value displayed by default (corresponds to 3 sharp characters): "###" | ceNull | The linked item is an HFSQL item that contains NULL. | Value displayed by default (empty string): "" | ceOverflow | The control value is greater than the input/display mask defined for the control. | Value displayed by default (corresponds to 5 plus characters): "+++++" | ceReadField | Error while reading an item: the item does not exist, the data file is empty, ... | Value displayed by default (corresponds to 4 sharp characters): "####" |
<Error message>: Character string New error message associated with the type of error. Remarks Modifying the values displayed The new values will be effective only for future errors. The values assigned to the controls before using ControlError do not change. The change is global to the current program.
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