- Differences between the Timer and TimerSys functions
- Locking or non-locking operations
- Execution time of procedure
- Process for calling the timer
- Timer and sibling windows
- Timer and Thread
- Timer and Windows service
Timer (Function) In french: Timer Periodically and automatically calls a WLanguage procedure. Called in the procedure, Timer is used to identify the timer that started the procedure. The sequence of periodic calls to a procedure is called timer. This periodic call will be stopped by EndTimer. Tip: In most cases, use the TimerSys function .
PROCEDURE Affiche_Heure()
SAI_HEURE1 = TimeSys()
IF Timer("Affiche_Heure", 100, 1) = 0 THEN
Error("Création du timer impossible")
Starting a procedure periodically Hide the details
<Result> = Timer(<Procedure name> , <Period> [, <Number>])
<Result>: Integer - Number of the opened timer (<Number> if this parameter is specified),
- 0 if the timer was not opened.
<Procedure name>: Character string Name of WLanguage procedure that will be started periodically.Note: If this parameter corresponds to the name of an internal procedure, the name of the internal procedure must not be enclosed in quotation marks.. <Period>: Integer or Duration Time (in hundredths of a second) between two calls to the procedure by timer. The period precision depends on the pending system status. This parameter can correspond to: - an integer corresponding to the number of hundredths of a second,
- a Duration variable,
- the duration in a readable format (e.g., '1s' or '10cs').
<Number>: Optional integer Number imposed to the timer. If this parameter is specified, the timer number will be the selected number. If this number corresponds to an existing timer, it will be stopped and replaced with the new timer.
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