EndTimer (Function) In french: FinTimer Ends the execution of a timer triggered by Timer. // Procedure used to regularly display the time in TIME1 PROCÉDURE Display_Time() TIME1 = TimeSys() // Process when opening the window or the page // Display_Time will be automatically called every second TimerNum is int TimerNum = Timer("Display_Time", 100, 1) IF TimerNum = 0 THEN Error("Unable to create the timer") END
// Stop the timer during a click on the "StopTimer" button EndTimer(TimerNum)
EndTimer([<Timer number>])
<Timer number>: Optional integer (mandatory integer in WEBDEV Browser) Number of the timer to destroy (returned by Timer).If this number is specified, the selected timer is interrupted. The function has no effect if the timer does not exist or if it has already been interrupted. If this number is not specified and if EndTimer is used in the code of a procedure called by a timer, the timer is interrupted. Otherwise, EndTimer has no effect.
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