Handle (Function) In french: Handle Returns the system "Handle" (HWND) of a WINDEV control or window. This allows you to call some API functions with this parameters (with API or CallDLL32, SendMessage or PostMessage). This "Handle" is rarely used with WLanguage functions.
SendMessage(Handle(SAI_SAISIE1), WM_COPY, 0, 0)
Retrieving the handle of a control or window Hide the details
<Result> = Handle([<Object name>])
<Result>: Pointer Requested handle. <Object name>: Optional character string Control or window name. If this parameter is not specified, Handle uses the current window. If this parameter corresponds to a table column, the handle of its edit control will be returned (NULL if the column is not in edit).
Retrieving the handle of a specific element in a control Hide the details
<Result> = Handle([<Object name>, ] <Object type>)
<Result>: Integer Requested handle. <Object name>: Optional character string Control name. <Object type>: Integer constant Element of the Combo Box whose handle you want to get. | | HandleAutocompleteList | Returns the handle of the drop-down list associated with a control that has the autocomplete feature. | HandleComboBoxEdit | Returns the handle of the edit control associated with a Combo Box (the control must be a Combo Box control). | HandleComboBoxList | Returns the handle of the drop-down list associated with a Combo Box (the control must be a Combo Box control). | HandleHScrollbar | Returns the handle of the horizontal scrollbar of the control. | HandleVScrollbar | Returns the handle of the vertical scrollbar of the control. |
Related Examples:
Unit examples (WINDEV): The alarms
[ + ] Implementing an alarm to display an alert message in the title bar of the active window (regardless of the application). The following topics are presented: 1/ The system functions (retrieving the handle of a window) 2/ Triggering a process according to a given frequency (timers)
Business / UI classification: UI Code
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