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Stored procedures
Windows event management functions
The following functions can be used to manage events:
EndEventCancels the interception of a Windows event on a WINDEV control or window (implemented by Event).
EndTimerEnds the execution of a timer triggered by Timer.
EndTimerSysEnds the execution of a timer triggered by TimerSys.
EventIntercepts a Windows event on a control, a group of controls or a WINDEV window.
EventExistIndicates whether a specific procedure is run when a Windows event is sent to a control or window.
HandleReturns the system "Handle" (HWND) of a WINDEV control or window.
HandleParentNextForces the parent of the next window to open.
MultitaskMultiTask is used to:
  • define a timeout,
  • give control back to Windows,
  • give control back to Windows and to WLanguage.
PostMessageSends a Windows message to a control or to a window.
SendMessageSends a Windows message to a control or to a window.
TimerPeriodically and automatically calls a WLanguage procedure.
TimerSysPeriodically and automatically calls a WLanguage procedure.
WaitTemporarily stops the program execution.
Related Examples:
Managing the timers Unit examples (WEBDEV): Managing the timers
[ + ] This example explains how to implement a timer and it allows you to:
- Start a timer
- Run a code whenever the timer is called
- Stop a timer
Managing the timers Unit examples (WINDEV): Managing the timers
[ + ] Implementing a timer:
- Start a timer
- Run a code whenever the timer is called
- Stopping a timer
Managing the timers Unit examples (WINDEV Mobile): Managing the timers
[ + ] Implementing a timer:
- start a timer
- run a code whenever the timer is called
- stop a timer
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/13/2024

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