dbgAssert (Function) In french: dbgAssertion Used to find out and signal the possible errors via an assertive programming. dbgAssert is used in a code where a possible error may occur. A window signals the problem if an error occurs. This mode is used by default in test mode and it can be enabled at runtime by dbgEnableAssert.
// The procedure named FindCustomer(Number) is used to find the specified customer PROCÉDURE FindCustomer(Number) HReadSeekFirst(Customer, Number, Number) dbgAssert(HFound, "Customer not found")
// SoughtValue was passed as parameter, it should exist in the data file. // Position on the record HReadSeekFirst(FileName, ItemName, SoughtValue) // Check whether a record was found // (in all cases, "standard" or "debug" mode) IF HFound(FileName) = False THEN // In "debug" mode, display a message to indicate that a problem occurred dbgAssert(False, StringBuild("The %1 record of" + ... "FileName was not found", SoughtValue)) // Manage this case in the code by creating a record if it was not found HReset(FileName) FileName.ItemName = SoughtValue HAdd(FileName) END
dbgAssert(<Condition to check> [, <Comment>])
<Condition to check>: Character string Condition whose test must be run. This condition can be a WLanguage function, a local or global procedure, an expression, ... <Comment>: Optional character string Text that will be displayed (in a window) if the condition is not checked. Remarks - In test mode, the management of assertions is enabled by default.
- At runtime, the management of assertions is disabled by default. dbgAssert is not run. The WLanguage function specified in parameter will not be run.
- There is no need to use InTestMode when the management of assertions is enabled. This function was commonly used to monitor a specific operating mode that can now be done with dbgAssert.
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