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Stored procedures
dbgStandardOutput (Function)
In french: dbgSortieStandard
Writes information into the standard output stream "stdout" (also called "console").
  • Linux In Linux, the information written with this function is directly displayed because the created executables are "console" executables.
  • Windows In Windows, the executables are not "console" executables: the information written with this function is not directly displayed. However, if the standard output is redirected into a file (via "> FileOutput.txt" for example), the written information is available.
Java This function can be used regardless of the system on which the application is started (Windows, Unix, Linux, ...).
AndroidAndroid Widget In Android, the standard output corresponds to the application log (called "ADB log"). The written information is found at "Debug" level.
This log can be viewed when the device is connected via USB or when using the emulator from the DDMS application provided with the Android SDK.
For more details, see Managing ADB logs.
iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst In iOS, the standard ouput corresponds to the window for standard output of Xcode.
PHP In this version, this function can only be used to return a specific string in the browser.
dbgStandardOutput("Operation successful")
<Result> = dbgStandardOutput(<Information>)
<Result>: Integer
Size of information written.
Remark: dbgStandardOutput automatically adds a CR character (Carriage Return) at the end of the string. Therefore, the final size is greater than the size of the information (by 1 or 2 characters).
<Information>: Character string
Information that will be written into the standard output stream.
Component: wd300vm.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 10
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Last update: 07/03/2023

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