Miscellaneous Windows functions
The miscellaneous Windows functions are as follows:
| | API | Runs a function found in an external DLL. | APIConfigure | Modifies the options for calling API and CallDLL32. | BitcoinValidAddress | Checks whether a Bitcoin wallet address is valid. | CallDLL32 | Runs a function found in an external DLL. | CallInterface | Runs a method of an interface of an object implemented in a DLL external to the WINDEV framework. | COMCallMethod | Runs a method of an interface of a COM object instantiated by COMCreateInstance. | COMCreateInstance | Instantiates a COM object (Component Object Model). | COMQueryInterface | Calls the QueryInterface method of the specified COM object to get a specific interface of this object so that it can be used with COMCallMethod. | CreateShortcut | Creates a shortcut on the Windows desktop, in the "Start" menu of Windows or in a specific directory. | DeleteShortcut | Deletes a shortcut previously created by CreateShortcut from the Windows desktop, from the "Start" menu of Windows or from a specific directory. | FreeDLL | Frees the 32-bit library (DLL) that was loaded in memory by LoadDLL. | HiWord | Returns the two high bytes of an integer. | IBANValid | Checks the validity of an International Bank Acount Number (IBAN). | IconInstall | Creates an icon (associated with a program) in a group of Windows programs, with the associated command line. | Instance | Returns the "system handle" (HINSTANCE) of the current program. | KeyPressed | Checks which key is pressed. | LoadDLL | Loads the specified library (DLL) in memory. | LoWord | Returns the two low bytes of an integer. | MakeInteger | Builds a 4-byte integer from two 2-byte integers. | OpenSSLCheck | Checks, via a public key, that the signature of data performed with the OpenSSL library is correct. | Ping | Checks whether a network address can be reached by using the ICMP protocol (similar to the PING network utility). | sComputeCrc16 | Checks a character string before and after transmission between WINDEV applications and WEBDEVsites. | sComputeCrc32 | Calculates the Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC) of buffer. | SendKey | Simulates the keystrokes and the mouse actions. | Transfer | Copies a block of bytes or a fixed-length string from a memory address into another one. | WindowsVersion | Returns the runtime mode of Windows. |
You also have the ability to use the following types of variables:
| | API description | An API Description variable is used to describe an API, its parameters, its return value and its calling options programmatically. |
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