FreeDLL (Function) In french: DéchargeDLL Frees the 32-bit library (DLL) that was loaded in memory by LoadDLL. The memory is freed. hInst = LoadDLL("MyDLL.DLL")
IF hInst = 0 THEN
Error("Error during the unload operation")
CallDLL32("MyDLL", "FunctionA", par1, par2)
CallDLL32("MyDLL", "FunctionB", par1)
Syntax <DLL Instance>: Integer Instance of the DLL to unload, returned by LoadDLL. Remarks API or CallDLL32 automatically loads the DLL if necessary, then unloads it (if it was loaded). This mechanism can be quite slow, except for the system DLLs (KERNEL, USER, GDI). To optimize the execution speed, we advise you to load the DLL once with LoadDLL and to unload it with FreeDLL when it is no longer used.
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