CookieRead (Function) In french: CookieLit Retrieves the value of a cookie saved on the computer of Web user.
NomEtDate is string
NomEtDate = CookieRead("NOMETDATE")
IF NomEtDate = "" THEN
MonMessage = "Bienvenue, nouveau visiteur!"
LeNom = ExtractString(NomEtDate, 1, ",")
MonMessage = "Bienvenue " + LeNom
LaDate = ExtractString(NomEtDate, 0, ",")
<Result> = CookieRead(<Cookie name>)
<Result>: Character string - Value of the cookie,
- Empty string ("") if the cookie does not exist on the computer of Web user.
<Cookie name>: Character string Name of the cookie to be read on the user computer. This name was used when the cookie was created by CookieWrite. Remarks - Reminder: When an Internet user connects to a WEBDEV site, the Web server loads all the cookies associated with the current domain into its memory..
Note: The Internet domain is a specific part of the Internet address: http://machine.domaine.com/MesPages/Index.html. - In browser code, CookieRead directly reads the value of the specified cookie on the user's computer.
- If your project uses pre-launched sessions, this function must not be used in the project initialization event. This function must be used in the "Initialization in pre-launched session mode" event.
Business / UI classification: UI Code