Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Various properties
  • Value of Static control
  • Value of Calculated control in a report
  • Value of Bar Code control
  • Value of Image control
  • Value of Static control or preset control found in a report
  • Value of RTF control
  • Value of Check Box control or value of option in a Check Box control
  • Value of Chart control
  • Limitations
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Stored procedures
The Value property is used to:
  • Find out and modify the value of a report control.
  • Find out and modify the value of a control or the title of a window.
  • Find out the identifier of a stream.
  • Find out and modify the value of a control or the title of a page.
  • Get the value associated with a value of a variable of type Enumeration.
Remark: The Value property is rarely used and can be replaced with an equivalent syntax (see Remarks).
// Modify the image file associated with the "IMG_Image" control
IMG_Image.Value = "C:\MyImages\Image.BMP"

Finding out the value of an element Hide the details

<Result> = <Element used>.Value
<Result>: Any type
This result depends on the element type.
<Element used>: Type of element
Name of the element to be used.

Modifying the value of an element Hide the details

<Element used>.Value = <New value>
<Element used>: Type of element
Name of element to use.
<New value>: Any type
New value for the specified element. This parameter depends on the type of specified element.
Reports and Queries

Value of Static control

The Value property is used to retrieve or modify the text of a Static control.
<Result> is a character string.
To retrieve the text of a Static control, the following syntaxes are equivalent:
ResCaption = <Static control>.Value
ResCaption = <Static control>
ResCaption = <Static control>.Caption
Reports and Queries

Value of Calculated control in a report

The Value property is used to retrieve or modify the value of a Calculated control in a report.
The type of <Result> depends on the type of the Calculated control.
To retrieve the value of a Calculated control, use one of the following syntaxes:
ResValue = <Calculated control>.Value

ResValue = <Calculated control>
Reports and Queries

Value of Bar Code control

The Value property is used to retrieve or modify the value of a Bar Code control. The value of a Bar Code control corresponds to the character string represented in the bar code.
<Result> is a character string.
To retrieve the text of a Bar Code control, use one of the following syntaxes:
ResValue = <Bar Code control>.Value

ResValue = <Bar Code control>
Reports and Queries

Value of Image control

The Value property is used to identify or modify the image file associated with an Image control.
<Result> is a character string containing the path of the image file.
To identify the image file associated with an Image control, use one of the following syntaxes:
ResImage = <Image control>.Value

ResImage = <Image control>
Reports and Queries

Value of Static control or preset control found in a report

The Value property is used to identify or modify the content of the control.
In an assignment, the type of the value passed to the Value property depends on the type of the item associated with the control.
If the item is numeric, you must assign a number to it and make sure you use the right input mask (InputMask property).
A date must be assigned to a Date control.
Reports and Queries

Value of RTF control

The Value property is used to retrieve or modify the content of an RTF control. This content is composed of RTF-specific characters.
<Result> is a character string.
To retrieve the content of an RTF control, use one of the following syntaxes:
ResRTF = <RTF control>.Value

ResRTF = <RTF control>

Value of Check Box control or value of option in a Check Box control

The Value property is used to:
  • Check or uncheck an option in a Check Box control.
  • Find out whether an option found in a Check Box control is checked or unchecked
<Result> is a boolean:
  • True if the option is checked,
  • False otherwise.
To find out whether an option found in a Check Box control is checked or not, use one of the following syntaxes:
ResChecked = <Check Box control>[<Option number>].Value

ResChecked = <Check Box control>[<Option number>]

ResChecked = <Option name>.Value

ResChecked = <Option name>
Remark: If <Option number> is not specified, the first option is selected by default.
Reports and Queries

Value of Chart control

The Value property can only be used to get the name of a Chart control.
<Result> is a character string.
To find out the name of a Chart control, use one of the following syntaxes:
Res_ChartName = <Chart control>.Value

Res_ChartName = <Chart control>


Reports and Queries In a report, the Value property cannot be used on:
  • a report.
  • a report block.
  • a Check Box control.
  • a Shape control.
  • an Organizer control.
  • a Scheduler control.
  • a Gantt Chart control.
  • a Signature control.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 10/17/2023

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