AutoBrowse (Property) In french: ParcoursAuto
The AutoBrowse property is used determine if the browse operation performed in a List Box, Looper, Table or Combo Box control based on a data file is automatic or programmed.
ResParcours = TABLE_Client.ParcoursAuto
<Result> = <Control used>.AutoBrowse
<Result>: Boolean - True if the browse is managed automatically.
- False if the browse is managed programmatically.
<Control used>: Control name Manipulated field name: List Box control, Table, RepeatString or Combo field. Remarks Type of iteration - Automatic traversal: data file traversal and data display in the element are automatic. No specific programming is required.
The sort is performed on the search item defined in the "Content" tab of the element description. If a filter is specified ("Filter on search item" in the "Content" tab of the element description), this filter is used. No browse process is run for the specified element. - Programmed path: The developer must program the file path and data display in the.
The "Read the first record", "Read the previous record", "Read the next record" and "Read the last record" processes are run. A programmed iteration allows you to sort and filter records with precision. However, a programmed iteration is slower and more complex than an automatic iteration.
Limits The AutoBrowse property applies only to: - browsing List Box controls,
- Table based on a data file,
- Combo Box control file,
- Looper control fields RepeatString file,
- browsing ListView controls.
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