Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Properties associated with windows, pages and controls
  • Modifying the displayed page
  • Case of PDF and DOCX files with a large number of pages
  • Limit
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Stored procedures
The NumberPage property is used to get:
  • WINDEV the number of pages found in a "multi-page" image file. This image is displayed in an Image control or in the background of a Chart control.
  • WINDEV the number of pages found in a PDF file displayed in an Image control.
  • WINDEV the number of pages found in a PDF file displayed in a PDF Reader control.
  • WINDEV the number of pages found in a DOCX file displayed in a Word Processing control.
Reminder: Some image formats (TIFF for example) can contain several images in the same file. Each image corresponds to a file page. These formats are called "multi-page" formats.
// Modify the image file associated with the "IMG_MyImage" control
IMG_MyImage.Image = "MultipageFile.TIF"
// Successively display the different pages found in the image file
FOR I = 1 TO IMG_MyImage.NumberPage
IMG_MyImage.PageNumber = I
// Timeout for loading images
// Display page 23 in the PDF Reader control
IF PDF_MyPDFReader.NumberPage>23 THEN
PDF_MyPDFReader.NumberDisplayedPage = 23
<Number of pages> = <Control used>.NumberPage
<Number of pages>: Integer
  • Number of pages found in the file associated with the specified control.
  • 1 if the format of image file is not "multi-page" or if the "multi-page" format contains a single page.
  • 0 if the specified control is not associated with an image format supported by WINDEV.
<Control used>: Control name
Name of the control to be used:
  • WINDEV Name of Image control,
  • WINDEV Name of Chart control,
  • WINDEV Name of the PDF Reader control.
  • WINDEV Name of the Word Processing control.

Modifying the displayed page

To modify the displayed page:
  • For the Image controls and the Chart controls, use PageNumber.
  • For the PDF Reader controls and the Word Processing controls, use NumberDisplayedPage.

Case of PDF and DOCX files with a large number of pages

If the PDF or DOCX file opened in the control contains a large number of pages, the control loads each page successively: some pages are not immediately accessible.
In this case:
  • NumberPage is a blocking property: it waits for the file load operation to complete. The application is blocked.
  • The NumberAccessiblePages property returns the number of pages currently loaded in the PDF file without waiting for the load process to complete.
  • The NumberDisplayedPage property returns the number of the page currently displayed in the control (at least 50% of the page).


The NumberPage property applies only to:
  • WINDEV Image controls in windows,
  • WINDEV Chart controls in windows,
  • WINDEV PDF Reader controls.
  • WINDEV Word Processing controls.
Related Examples:
The Image control (display a PDF or a TIFF) Unit examples (WINDEV): The Image control (display a PDF or a TIFF)
[ + ] Displaying a PDF or TIFF document in the Image control found in a window.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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