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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Various properties
  • Height in a report
  • Initial height (control and window)
  • Limitations
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
The Height property gets and sets the height:
  • of a control or block in a report.
  • AndroidiPhone/iPadIOS Widget of a control (in a window), window, row of a Table, List Box or ListView control, option of a Radio Button or Check Box control, break header or footer of a Table or Looper control.
You can also get the height of a cell in a Table control.
  • The border of the control or block is included in its height. The HeightInPixel property is used to get the height of a control in pixels.
  • The height of a control is defined in the editor, in the control description.
  • AndroidiPhone/iPad To make the content of a maximized window scrollable, use the UsefulHeight property.
// Augmente la hauteur du champ "SAI_NomClient"
SAI_NomClient.Hauteur = SAI_NomClient.Hauteur + 15
// Est équivalent à : SAI_NomClient.Hauteur + = 15
AndroidiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple Watch
// Modification de la hauteur de la fenêtre et d'un champ
FEN_FicheClient.Hauteur += 100	// Ajoute 100 pixels
SAI_Saisie1.Hauteur += 10	// Ajoute 10 pixels

Finding out the height of an element Hide the details

<Result> = <Element used>.Height
<Result>: Real
Height of the specified element. This height is expressed in pixels in a window and/or in a page, and in millimeters in a report.
<Element used>: Name of control or block.
Name of the element (control or block) to use.

Modifying the height of an element Hide the details

<Element used>.Height = <New height>
<Element used>: Name of control or block.
Name of the element (control or block) to use.
<New height>: Real
New height of the specified element. This height is expressed in pixels in a window and/or in a page, and in millimeters in a report.
iPhone/iPadIOS Widget

Height in a report

  • The height of a non-breakable block cannot exceed the available page height (excluding the page header and the page footer).
  • The height of a page footer cannot be modified. However, the height of a page header can be modified programmatically.
  • A control must be entirely contained in the block to which it belongs.
AndroidiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple Watch

Initial height (control and window)

The initial height (described in the editor) is returned by the InitialHeight property.
In most cases, the height of an object depends on MaxHeight and MinHeight. However, this constraint no longer applies when the height is changed through programming (with the Height property or the WinSize function).


iPhone/iPadIOS Widget Limitations for reports
The Height property cannot be used on a report or on a Check Box control.
Android The Height property is not available on Table control columns.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/20/2024

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