Help / Developing an application or website / Source Code Manager (SCM)
  • Overview
  • Opening the project from SCM (1st project opening only)
  • Working on a project found in the Source Code Manager
  • Project options related to the SCM
  • Working on a shared project in the SCM
  • The different check-out modes
  • Management mode of project
  • Managing the project in Master/Guest mode
  • Managing the project in automatic mode
  • Special cases
  • Modifying the analysis
  • Changing computer
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
The principle for working with the Source Code Manager is as follows:
  • All the developers work on a local copy of the project. This project and all its elements are read-only by default.
  • When a project element is opened, this element is read-only by default: it cannot be modified. To modify it, it must be checked out from the Source Code Manager, modified and checked back in.
  • Only the master can modify the characteristics of the project (analysis, project description, etc.).
Remark: The SCM can only be used with the operating systems that support the data files exceeding 4 GB. The SCM cannot be used on the computers that run the following operating systems: Windows 98 and Me. If the SCM repository is in HFSQL Client/Server mode, the SCM can be used with these operating systems (on the client computers).
This help page explains how to work with a project found in the SCM. For more details on the SCM, see Creating a repository.
Opening the project from SCM (1st project opening only)

Working on a project found in the Source Code Manager

To work on a project found in the Source Code Manager:
  1. You must get a local copy of the project found in the Source Code Manager. To do so, open the project from the Source Code Manager.
    This operation must be performed once only by each developer who is using the project. The developer who added the project to the Source Code Manager has no operation to perform.
    Important: Don't copy the files locally via the Windows explorer.
  2. Expand in the quick access buttons and select "Open a project from the SCM".
    Remark: You also have the ability to use the home page to open a project found in the SCM.
  3. In the wizard, specify:
    • the path of the repository (network computer or shared directory)
    • the user name and password (if necessary).
  4. Select the directory of the repository that corresponds to the desired project.
  5. Specify the local directory into which the project will be copied.
  6. Validate. The project is copied locally and it is automatically opened according to the mode specified when it was checked into the repository.
Remark: Next time, you will be able to open a project included in the SCM as any other project: all you have to do is open the project (".WDP" file) corresponding to the local copy.

Project options related to the SCM

Several options are available to configure a project handled by the Source Code Manager. These options can be found in the "SCM" tab of the project description. These options are checked by default.
Reminder: To open the project description, go to the "Project" tab, "Project" group and click "Description".
  • Suggest getting the latest version of the elements when the project is opened:
    When opening a project located in the SCM, this option prompts you to get the latest version of the project elements. By default, the latest version of the elements is automatically retrieved.
  • Suggest checking the elements back in when the project is closed:
    When the project is closed, this option displays a list of the checked out elements to check some or all of them back in.
    By default, when the project is closed, the checked out elements are not checked back in.
  • Check out/Check in the project automatically:
    This option is used to automatically manage the "project file". This option is used to disable the "Master/Guest" management on the project.
    If this option is checked:
    • The project file is checked out only if the action performed requires it.
    • Once the action was performed on the project, the check-in of the project file is automatically proposed.
      If the option "Automatically check the project back in at the end of operation" was checked during the check-out, the project file is automatically checked back in (without confirmation window).
    Tip: This option can also be enabled as follows: on the "SCM" tab, in the "Project" group, expand "Master/Guest" and select "Manage project check-out automatically".
Working on a shared project in the SCM
To handle the elements of a project found in SMC, you must:

The different check-out modes

The SCM includes two modes to check out the project elements:
  • the standard mode: if you open an element that has not been checked out from the SCM, a panel indicates that the element must be checked out to modify it. The element can be checked out immediately (check-out button found in the dialog box).
  • the automatic mode: if you try to modify an element that has not yet been checked out, the SCM automatically prompts you to check it out. Once the check-out is validated, the element can be modified.
    Remark: this mode is not recommended when using the SCM with a slow Internet connection.
The check-out mode of the SCM elements is an option of WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile.
To change the check-out mode:
  1. On the "Home" tab, in the "Environment" group, expand "Options" and select "General options of WINDEV/WEBDEV/WINDEV Mobile".
  2. Select the "General" tab. The "Check out elements during the first modification" option is used to switch all the projects opened from the current product to the automatic mode.
Caution: In this version, the automatic mode is supported by the windows, the pages, the queries and the reports.
Management mode of project

Managing the project in Master/Guest mode

The Source Code Manager distinguishes between 2 types of users:
  • the master: the master is the user who initially stored the project in the Source Code Manager.
  • the guests: the guests are the developers who handle the project from the Source Code Manager.
    There is no need to be connected in master mode on a project. The "Master" mode is only required to:
  • change the project characteristics and check these changes back into the repository.
  • check in all the elements to create the executable and the setup program of the application.
To switch from master mode to guest mode: on the "SCM" tab, in the "Project" group, expand "Master/Guest" and select "Become guest on the project (and check all in)". In this case, the Source Code Manager proposes to check in all the elements of the project (including the .WDP file).
To switch from guest mode to master mode: on the "SCM" tab, in the "Project" group, expand "Master/Guest" and select "Become master on the project".
Modifying the options of the project
All the users of the project (master or guests) can modify the project characteristics (first project window, animation, code style, etc.).
However, only the project master will be able to check these changes back into the Source Code Manager.
The modifications made by a guest will be lost when the project is updated from the repository.

Managing the project in automatic mode

With the automatic mode, the project file is checked out only if the action performed requires it (regardless of the user). Once the actions have been completed in the project, the project file is automatically checked back in.
The automatic mode avoids you managing the "Master/Guest" mode on the project.
To enable the automatic mode:
  1. Open the project description: on the "Project" tab, in the "Project" group, click "Description".
  2. In the "SCM" tab, check "Check out/Check in the project automatically".
Special cases

Modifying the analysis

The analysis is opened in read-only mode by default. Therefore, it cannot be modified.
To modify the analysis, it must be checked out.
To check out the analysis:
  1. Open the analysis in the data model editor.
  2. Click the "Check out" button in the SCM toolbar.
  3. Validate the analysis check-out. The analysis is opened in modification mode. It can be modified.
Changes made to the analysis may affect different elements in the project (pages, windows, reports, etc.).
Before generating the analysis, we recommend that you get the latest version of all the project elements. Indeed, the checked-out elements cannot be modified and therefore they cannot be synchronized with the analysis. Therefore, make sure that:
  • all the project elements are checked in,
  • the latest version of the project elements is found on the computer where the analysis is generated.

Changing computer

If you have to change your computer (or the name of your computer), everything must be checked back in via the SCM administrator BEFORE changing computer. To start the SCM administrator, go to the "SCM" tab, "Repository" group, expand "Manage" and select "SCM administrator".
For more details, see What to do if you change computer.
Minimum version required
  • Version 10
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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