| |
ADDDATE | Adds a value (year, month, etc.) to the specified date. |
ADD_MONTHS | Adds months to the specified date. |
ALL | |
AND | Combines several selection conditions (both). |
ANY | Used in the sub-queries |
AS | Creates an alias for each item and file used. |
ASC | Used with the ORDER BY clause Defines the ascending order. |
ASCII | Returns the ASCII code:- of a character.
- of first character found in a string.
ATAN2 | Returns the arctangent of X and Y variables. |
AVG | Calculates the mean for a set of values. |
BEGIN | Starts a transaction. |
BEGIN WORK | Starts a transaction. |
BEGIN TRANSACTION | Starts a transaction. |
BETWEEN | Selects the records for which the value of an item belongs to a range of values. |
BIN | Returns a binary representation of a number, as a string value. |
BITAND | Performs a bitwise AND operation on two numeric expressions. |
BITANDNOT | Performs bitwise AND and NOT operations on two numeric expressions. |
BITNOT | Performs a bitwise negation on a numeric expression. |
BITOR | Performs a bitwise OR operation on two numeric expressions. |
BITXOR | Performs a bitwise XOR operation on two numeric expressions. |
BOTTOM | Returns the last n records found in the result of a query. |
BTRIM | Deletes a string within another string from the beginning or from the end. |
CASE | Returns the value corresponding to the condition. |
CAST | Used to convert a number into another type. |
CBRT | Returns the cube root of a number. |
CEILING CEIL | Returns the smallest integer value that is larger than or equal to a number. |
CHAR_LENGTH | Returns the length (number of characters) of an expression. |
CHARACTER_LENGTH | Returns the length (number of characters) of an expression. |
COALESCE | Returns the first not-null expression among its arguments. |
COMMIT | Validates a transaction. |
COMMIT TRANSACTION | Validates a transaction. |
COMMIT WORK | Validates a transaction. |
CONCAT | Concatenates multiple strings. |
CONVERT | Converts a character string from a character set to another one. |
COUNT | Returns the number of records in a file or in a group of records. |
CREATE TABLE | Describes and creates a file/table. |
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Returns the date and the local time of server. |
CURRENT_USER | Returns the username for the current connection. |
DATEADD | Adds a value to the start date and returns the new date. |
DATEDIFF | Calculates the difference between two dates in a given unit. The return value is a signed integer. |
DATEDIFFBIG | Calculates the difference between two dates in a given unit. The return value is a signed big integer. |
DATEFROMPARTS | Returns a date from the specified parts. |
DATETIMEFROMPARTS | Returns a datetime from the specified parts. |
DATEPART | Returns an integer that corresponds to a specified part of a given datetime. |
DAY | Returns the day of the month, i.e. a number between 1 and 31. |
DAYOFMONTH | Returns the day of the month (between 1 and 31). |
DAYOFWEEK | Returns the day in the week (1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, etc.). |
DAYOFYEAR | Returns the day of the year (between 1 and 366). |
DECODE | Returns the value corresponding to the condition. |
DEGREES | Converts a value in radians to degrees. |
DELETE | Deletes records from a file. |
DESC | Used with the ORDER BY clause Defines the descending order. |
DISTINCT | Used with the SELECT statement Deletes the duplicated records (duplicates) from the result of the query. |
DIV | Performs a division. |
DROP TABLE | Deletes a file/table physically. |
ELT | Returns the nth string of a list of strings. |
EOMONTH | xx |
EVERY | Returns True if all the arguments are checked and true. |
EXISTS | Used in the sub-queries |
FIELD | Returns the index of the string that must be found in the list. |
FIND_IN_SET | Returns the position of a string in a list of values. |
FROM | Used with the SELECT statement Defines the files used.Used with the DELETE statement Defines the files used. |
FULL OUTER JOIN | Performs an outer join. |
GETDATE | Returns the date and the local time of server. |
GETUTCDATE | Returns the date and the UTC time of server. |
GREATEST | With two or more arguments, returns the greatest value. |
GROUP BY | Classifies a selection of records by group. |
GROUP_CONCAT | Concatenates the non-null values of an item from a series of records into a string. |
HAVING | Used to specify one or more conditions on groups of records generated by the GROUP BY statement. |
HEX | Returns the hexadecimal value of an integer number (expressed in base 10). |
IN | Selects the records whose values correspond to a specified list of values. |
INITCAP | Returns a string containing the first letter of each word in uppercase characters. |
INNER JOIN | Performs an inner join. |
INSERT | Adds a record to a data file. |
INSTR | Returns the position of a character string. |
INTERSECT | Allows you to combine selection queries (SELECT statement). |
INTO | Used with the INSERT statement Defines the file used. |
ISDATE | Allows you to determine if an expression corresponds to a date. |
IS JSON | Allows you to determine if an item is:- a JSON content (IS JSON),
- a JSON content that represents an object (IS JSON OBJECT),
- a JSON content that represents an array (IS JSON ARRAY),
ISNULL / IFNULL | Selects the records for which the value of an item is null. |
JSON_OBJECT | Retrieves a JSON object from any item. |
JSON_OBJECTAGG | Returns a JSON object containing key-value pairs for each specific key and value in a set of SQL values. |
JSON_ARRAY | Retrieves a JSON array from any item. The JSON content retrieved corresponds to an array. |
JSON_ARRAYAGG | Returns a JSON array containing key-value pairs for each specific key and value in a set of SQL values. |
JSON_EXISTS | Retrieves records with a JSON item containing data. |
JSON_QUERY | Retrieves a JSON object or array. |
JSON_VALUE | Retrieves the value of an element contained in the JSON item. |
LAST_DAY | Calculates the date of last day for the specified month. |
LAST_INSERT_ID | Returns the last automatic identifier calculated. |
LCASE | Returns a string in which all uppercase characters have been converted to lowercase. |
LEAST | With two or more arguments, returns the lowest value. |
LEFT | Extracts the first characters from the content of an expression. |
LEFT OUTER JOIN | Performs an outer join |
LEN | Returns the length (number of characters) of an expression. |
LENGTH | Returns the length (number of characters) of an expression. |
LIKE | Selects the records for which the value of an item matches a specified value (with wildcard characters). |
LIMIT | Returns part of the query result. |
LOWER | Converts the content of an expression to lowercase characters. |
LPAD | Returns a string of a given size. To reach the requested size, the string is left-padded:- by space characters.
- by a character or by a given string.
LTRIM | Returns a character string:- without space characters on the left.
- without a list of characters.
MATCH AGAINST | Used to get the relevance index of the record during a full-text search. |
MAX | Returns the greatest value of an item for all selected records in the file. |
MD5 | Calculates the MD5 checksum of the string. |
MID | Extracts a substring from a given position. |
MIN | Returns the lowest value of an item for all selected records in the file. |
MONTH | Returns the month of a date. |
MONTHS_BETWEEN | Returns the number of months between two dates. |
NEW_TIME | Returns the date after time zone conversion. |
NEXT_DAY | Returns the first day of the week based on the specified date or day. |
NOT | Reverses the meaning of the logical operator used. |
NVL | Replaces the null values of the column by a substitution value. |
OCT | Returns the octal value of an integer number (expressed in base 10). |
OCTET_LENGTH | Returns the length (number of characters) of an expression. |
ON | Used when creating a join. |
OR | Combines several selection conditions (one or the other). |
ORDER BY | Sorts the selected records. |
OVERLAY | Replaces a string in another string. |
PATINDEX | Returns the position of the first occurrence of a character string. |
POSITION | Returns the position of a character string in an expression. |
RADIANS | Converts a degree value into radians. |
RANDOM/RAND | Returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). |
REGEXP | Evaluates a regular expression inside an SQL query. |
REPEAT | Returns a string containing a string that is repeated a specified number of times. |
REPLACE | Returns a character string:- by replacing all the occurrences of a word found in a string by another word.
- by replacing all occurrences of a word found in a string.
REVERSE | Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed. |
RIGHT | Extracts the last characters from the content of an expression. |
RIGHT OUTER JOIN | Performs an outer join. |
REGEXP_LIKE | Evaluates a regular expression inside an SQL query. |
ROLLBACK | Cancels a transaction. |
ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT | Rolls back all actions performed within the transaction since the savepoint was established. |
ROLLBACK TRANSACTION | Cancels a transaction. |
ROLLBACK WORK | Cancels a transaction. |
ROUND | Returns the rounded date in the specified format. |
RPAD | Returns a string of a given size. To reach the requested size, the string is right-padded:- by space characters.
- by a character or by a given string.
RTRIM | Returns a character string:- without space characters on the right.
- without a list of characters.
SAVEPOINT | Creates a savepoint in the current transaction. |
SELECT | Find records in one or more files. |
SET | Used with the UPDATE statement Defines the name of the items used. |
SET ISOLATION | Defines the isolation level of transactions. |
SHA/SHA1 | Calculates the 160-bit SHA1 checksum of the string, as described in RFC 3174 (Secure Hash Algorithm). |
SHIFT_LEFT_OP | Bitwise operator: << |
SHIFT_RIGHT_OP | Bitwise operator: >> |
SOME | Used in the sub-queries |
SOUNDEX, SOUNDEX LIKE | Returns the phonetic value |
SOUNDEX2, SOUNDEX2 LIKE | Returns the phonetic value (adapted to French). |
SPACE | Returns a string containing N spaces. |
SPLIT_PART | Cuts the string according to a separator and returns the nth part. |
ST_AREA | Calculate the surface area occupied by an Geometry. |
ST_CONTAINS | Find out if an Geometry is contained in another Geometry. |
ST_COVEREDBY | Allows you to find out whether ALL the points contained in the first Geometry are contained in the second Geometry or whether at least one of the points in the first Geometry is not part of the second Geometry. |
ST_COVERS | Allows you to find out whether ALL the points contained in the second Geometry are contained in the first Geometry or whether at least one of the points in the second Geometry is not part of the first Geometry. |
ST_CROSSES | Finds out if one of the two Geometry s has some of its inner points in common with the second Geometry (and not necessarily all of its points). |
ST_DIFFERENCE | Returns an Geometry Receiver corresponding to the difference between the two Geometry s passed as parameters. |
ST_DISTANCE | Calculates the distance between 2 geometries. |
ST_EQUALS | Determines whether 2 geometries are identical. |
ST_GEOMFROMTEXT | Converts an Geometry described as a character string into a 2-dimensional Geometry. |
ST_INTERSECTS | Finds out if 2 geometries have points in common. This command calculates the common area (intersection) between the two geometries. |
ST_LENGTH | Returns the length in meters of a linear Geometry. |
ST_MAKEPOLYGON | Returns an Geometry of type Polygon Receiver corresponding to the description of the rows described in the Geometry to be analyzed. |
ST_OVERLAPS | Finds out whether the dimension of the Geometry resulting from the intersection of the 2 Geometry s is equal to the dimension of the Geometry s compared, while being different from each of the Geometry s compared. |
ST_PERIMETER | Returns the perimeter in meters of the indicated Geometry. |
ST_SIMPLIFY | Returns a 'simplified' Geometry of the specified Geometry. |
ST_SYMDIFFERENCE | Returns an Geometry corresponding to the union of 2 Geometry s passed in parameter, from which are subtracted the shapes corresponding to the points common to the 2 Geometry s. |
ST_TOUCHES | Determines whether two geometries have at least one of the external points describing their respective contours in common. |
ST_UNION | Returns an Geometry Receiver corresponding to the union between two Geometry s. |
ST_WITHIN | Finds out whether the first Geometry is contained within the second Geometry, i.e. whether ALL the points making up the first Geometry are contained within the second Geometry. |
START TRANSACTION | Starts a transaction. |
STDDEV | Used to get the standard deviation of a series of values representing a sample of data. |
STDDEV_POP | Used to get the standard deviation of a series of values representing the full set of data. |
STDDEV_SAMP | Used to get the standard deviation of a series of values representing a sample of data. |
STRING_AGG | Used to concatenate non-null strings from a list of values. |
SUBDATE | Subtracts a value (year, month, etc.) from the specified date. |
SUBSTR | Extracts a substring from a given position. |
SUBSTRING | Extracts a substring from a given position. |
SUM | Returns the total sum of the values of an item for all selected records in the file. |
SYSDATE | Returns the current date and time. |
SYSTEM_USER | Returns the username for the current connection. |
TO_CHAR | Formats a date or a number. |
TOP | Returns only the first n records of a query result. |
TRANSLATE | Returns a character string with all the specified characters replaced with other characters. |
TRIM | Returns a character string:- without space characters on the left and on the right.
- without a character string found at the beginning and at the end of string.
- without a character string found at the beginning of string.
- without a character string found at the end of string.
TRUNC | Returns the truncated date in the specified format. |
UCASE | Returns a string in which all lowercase characters have been converted to uppercase. |
UNHEX | Contrary of HEX. Each pair of hexadecimal digits is interpreted as numbers and converted into a character represented by the number. |
UNICODE | Returns the integer value defined by the Unicode standard of the first character in the specified expression. |
UNION | Performs combining queries. |
UPDATE | Updates the file records. |
UPPER | Converts the content of an expression to uppercase characters. |
UUID | Generates a UUID (Unique Universal Identifier). A UUID is 128 bit-integer represented as a hexadecimal string in the following format: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee. A UUID is guaranteed to be unique at each call to the function. |
USER_NAME | Returns the username for the current connection. |
VALUES | Used with the INSERT statement Defines the added values. |
VARIANCE | Returns the variance of a series of values (data sampling). |
VAR_POP | Returns the variance of a series of values (full data set). |
VAR_SAMP | Returns the variance of a series of values (data sampling). |
WHERE | Used to specify the selection conditions of a query. |
XOR | Logical XOR (exclusive OR). |
YEAR | Returns the year of a date. |