Help / Editors / Query editor / Description of queries
  • Overview
  • Select query description window
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Select query description window
The description window of a select query includes several sections. This description window is used to:
  • modify the items used in the query.
  • manage the selection conditions.
  • view the query in SQL code or in natural language.
  • manage the "duplicate" records.
  • ...
This description window is displayed:
  • when creating a Select query.
    Reminder: to create a query:
    • Click in the quick access buttons.
    • The new element window appears: click "Queries".
  • from a Select query found in the query editor ("Query description" from the popup menu of the query).
Select query description window
In this window:
List of items that can be used in the query.
Actions that will be applied to each query item.
List of items taking part in the query.
Description of the selected item.
Query displayed in SQL code or in natural language.

For more details, see:
  1. Items that can be used in the Select query.
  2. Actions applied to the items of the Select query.
  3. Items used in the Select query.
  4. Handling the description window of a Select query.
  5. Examples for creating a Select query.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 12/06/2023

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