A delete query (SQL DELETE statement) is used to delete records from a database file. To perform this deletion, the main characteristics of the delete query are as follows: - the data file from which the data will be deleted.
- the selection conditions of the records to delete (customers who live in Seattle, products whose price is greater than 40 Dollars, etc.).
For example, delete the orders placed before January 1st 2010:
The query editor automatically generates the SQL code of this query. To see the SQL code of a query: - Open the context menu of the query graph.
- Select "SQL code".
You also have the ability to press the F2 key. DELETE FROM
ORDERS.OrderDate < '20100101' To create a new delete query: - Click
in the quick access buttons. - The new element window appears: click "Query".
- The query creation wizard starts.
- Specify that you want to create a delete query with the wizard ("Delete" option).
- If your project is linked to no analysis, specify the analysis to which the query will be attached.
- Proceed to the next step of the wizard.
- Select the data file from which the data will be deleted.
Go to the next step. - Define the selection conditions by clicking the "Condition" column of relevant items. For more details on query selection conditions, see Selection conditions of a query.
Go to the next step. - Specify (if necessary) the sequence of the selection conditions with the conditional AND and OR AND operators:
- Conditional AND operator: the selected records will match both conditions. For example, the customers whose name starts with the letter "A" AND who live in Denver.
- Conditional OR operator: the selected records will match one of the two conditions or both conditions. For example, the query selects the customers who live in Seattle OR in Denver.
Go to the next step.
- Type the query name (name of ".WDR" file corresponding to the query). This name will be used to identify the query in your programs.
- Specify the caption of the query by briefly describing the purpose of query. This caption will be used in the project documentation.
- Validate the query description. The graphic representation of query is automatically displayed in the query editor.
- To modify all the characteristics of a query: on the "Query" tab, in the "Edit" group, click "Description". For more details, see Description of a query.
- To generate the SQL code corresponding to this query, select "SQL code" in the context menu of the query. If changes are made in the query description, these changes will be automatically reflected in the corresponding SQL code.
- You also have the ability to create a query from one or more data files described in the data model editor: to do so, drag the data files selected in the "Analysis" pane and drop them in the query editor.
- The test of the created query can be run from the query editor. For more details, see Testing a query.
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