Query editor: Characteristics
The main shortcuts that can be used in the query editor are as follows: | | Display the list of classes in the "Project explorer" pane (and in the "Code" pane if it is displayed). | Shift + F8 | Display the list of global procedures in the "Code" pane | Ctrl + F8 | Display the SQL code in the code editor | F2 | Help | F1 | Undo the last action | Ctrl + Z | Stop the test mode (when running the test of the project or query) | Shift + F5 | Paste clipboard content | Ctrl + V or Shift + Ins | Copy the selected element | Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Ins | Cut the selected element | Ctrl + X or Alt + Del | Edit the code associated with the selected query in the "Context-sensitive code view" pane | Ctrl + Shift + F2 | Save | Ctrl + S | Save as | Ctrl + Shift + S | Save all | Alt + S | Close all | Ctrl + Shift + W | Print the documentation regarding the current query | Ctrl + P | Hide all (dockable panes) | Ctrl + W | New (Create an element) | Ctrl + N | Open (Open an element) | Ctrl + O | Open a project | Ctrl + Shift + O | Restore (Undo the last action) | Ctrl + Y or Ctrl + Shift + Z | Select all | Ctrl + A | Delete the selection | Del | Run the test of the current query | F9 | Zoom +/- | Ctrl + mouse wheel |
Caution: + means that the keys must be pressed simultaneously.
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