Help / Environment / Dictionary
  • Overview
  • Creating or opening a dictionary
  • Adding elements into a dictionary
  • Adding an element into a dictionary
  • Example: Subscription of a procedure
  • Creating groups of elements in a dictionary
  • Copying elements from a dictionary
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Stored procedures
Handling a dictionary
From version 24, this feature is kept for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use window, page, report and control templates to reuse elements combined with the Source Code Manager (SCM).
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow you to easily perform the following operations on a dictionary:
All these operations are performed from the "Dictionary" pane.
Creating or opening a dictionary
A dictionary physically corresponds to a ".DIC" file. This file is created from the "Dictionary" pane ("New" from the popup menu).
A specific dictionary can also be opened from the "Dictionary" pane ("Open" in the context menu). The selected file is opened in the "Dictionary" pane.
To display all the elements found in the dictionary:
  1. Select the name of the dictionary
  2. Open the popup menu of the dictionary (right click) and select "Expand all".
Adding elements into a dictionary

Adding an element into a dictionary

To add an element into a dictionary:
  1. "Drag and Drop" the selected element to the dictionary. Depending on the object to include, the Drag and Drop operation can be performed according to different methods:
    • From the relevant editors (control, group of controls, window, line of code, ...):
      • For the controls, the group of controls or the lines of code: select the element in the relevant editor and perform a Drag and Drop toward the dictionary.
      • For the pages, the windows and the queries: select the title bar of the home window and perform a Drag and Drop toward the dictionary.
    • From the "Project explorer" pane (window, file, item or procedure): Select the element in the "Project explorer" pane and perform a Drag and Drop toward the dictionary found in the "Dictionary" pane.
    • From the "Code" pane: Select the name of the procedure in the "Code" pane and perform a Drag and Drop toward the dictionary.
  2. Specify whether the element found in the current application must subscribe to the element found in the dictionary. Indeed, when an element is added to the dictionary, this element is duplicated: the source application contains a copy of the element and another copy is copied into the dictionary.
    If the subscription is accepted: When the element found in the application is modified, the subscription allows these modifications to be applied to the object found in the dictionary as well as to all the subscriber objects.
    For more details on the subscription, see Subscribing an element to the dictionary.
  • Several elements can be included in a dictionary: windows, controls, procedures, lines of code, files or items. These elements are included by Drag and Drop from the object to the selected dictionary.
  • The reports cannot be included in a dictionary.

Example: Subscription of a procedure

To store a procedure and to include it in your applications, all you have to do is store this procedure in your personal dictionary!
  1. Open the project.
  2. Open the window or the page containing the procedure.
  3. Display the different procedures of the window (or page) in the "Project explorer" pane.
  4. Open the desired dictionary in the "Dictionary" pane.
  5. Select the name of the procedure in the "Project explorer" pane and perform a "Drag and Drop" toward the dictionary.
  6. Confirm the subscription of the procedure. The procedure is displayed in the dictionary.
Remark: To associate a descriptive note with the procedure found in the dictionary, enter an explanation text in the properties of the element ("Properties" in the context menu)
Creating groups of elements in a dictionary
You have the ability to create groups of elements in a dictionary. These groups are used to group different WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile elements.
To create a group of elements in the current dictionary:
  1. In the "Dictionary" pane, select the name of the dictionary.
  2. Select "Create a group" from the popup menu (right mouse click).
  3. Enter the name of the created group.
The elements can be added to the group by "Drag and Drop".
Copying elements from a dictionary
All elements found in the dictionary can be re-used in any WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile application.
To re-use a dictionary element, you must:
  1. Open the dictionary in the pane.
  2. Copy the dictionary element to the relevant editor by Drag and Drop. During this copy, the subscription to the dictionary object is proposed.
For more details on the subscription, see Subscribing an element to the dictionary.
See also
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 01/06/2023

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