Help / Developing an application or website / Test / Automated tests
  • Overview
  • Which elements can be automatically checked?
  • Remarks
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Stored procedures
Several test tools are available to guarantee the quality of your applications:
  • The test mode (Go on a project or window), which allows you to test changes in your application as you develop.
To automate these tests and to increase the quality of your applications, you have the ability to run automatic unit tests. These tests allow you to easily check all the features available in your applications.
Each test contains a scenario that can be directly edited in the development environment. This scenario is written in WLanguage and it can be modified at any time.
These tests can be run before creating the executable in order to check the operating mode of an application.
Remark: The automated tests are taken into account by "Code coverage".
Which elements can be automatically checked?
WINDEV WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow you to run automated tests on:
You have the ability to create a test:
  • for a specific window,
  • for the entire application,
  • not linked to a window, procedure or class.
WINDEV You also have the ability to import test scenarios created by the users. For more details, see Automated tests created by the user.
  • Each test is associated with a WLanguage code: the test scenario. This scenario can be viewed in the code editor. The code of the tests can be modified.
  • The tests (and the associated code) are not included in the executable and they are not given to the users. Therefore, the number of tests has no impact on the size of the application available to end users.
  • The automated tests do not operate on a non-interactive TSE session.
  • The "Tests" widget found in the Project dashboard allows you to quickly find out the percentage of tests passed, not passed, ... It can also be used to run the different tests.
Related Examples:
WD Example of unit test Training (WINDEV): WD Example of unit test
[ + ] This example presents the use of the test editor included in WINDEV:
- test of a window
- test of a global procedure
- test of a global procedure from a set of test data (available from the versions 12)
Minimum version required
  • Version 11
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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