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Help / Developing an application or website / User Groupware / User Groupware - Compatibility version
  • User Groupware Analysis
  • GPWConfiguration file
  • Characteristics of the items:
  • Remark
  • GPWElementConfiguration file
  • Characteristics of the items:
  • Remark
  • GPWElement file
  • Characteristics of the items:
  • Remark
  • GPWConnectionHistory file
  • Characteristics of the items
  • Remark
  • GPWUser file
  • Characteristics of the items:
  • Remark
  • GPWUserConfiguration file
  • Characteristics of the items:
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
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Stored procedures
User Groupware data file structure
From version 18, the User Groupware evolves. This help page corresponds to the User Groupware kept for backward compatibility. To get the help regarding the new version of the User Groupware, see User Groupware.
User Groupware Analysis
The analysis of the User Groupware is as follows:
Data files used to identify users: these files can be common to several applications:
GPWConnectionHistoryFile containing the history of connections. This file is found only if the history of connections was requested.
GPWUserFile of users. Contains all the characteristics of the users (login, last name, first name, password, ...)
GPWUserConfigurationFile of groups of users.
Data files used to manage rights: these files are specific to the application. They cannot be shared with another application.
GPWConfigurationFile containing the description of the different available configurations. Each configuration is associated with a group of users.
GPWElementFile containing the different elements of the application to configure (window controls, menu options, ...)
GPWElementConfigurationStatus of each application element for each configuration. For example, enables you to store whether the "Statistics menu" must be grayed for the "Assistant" user.
GPWConfiguration file

Characteristics of the items:

ApplicationApplication nameCharacter string255 charactersWith duplicates
Application_ConfigurationKey made of Application and Configuration itemsComposite keyWith duplicates
ConfigurationName of user or group of usersCharacter string255 charactersUnique
GroupDefines whether the configuration corresponds to a user or to a group of usersBoolean
Group_ConfigurationKey made of Group and Configuration itemsComposite keyUnique


For all the keys and for all the components of composite keys:
  • The iteration direction is ascending.
  • The search options are: Case sensitive, Accent sensitive, Space and punctuation sensitive.
GPWElementConfiguration file

Characteristics of the items:

ConfigurationName of user or group of usersCharacter string255 charactersWith duplicates
Configuration_ElementKey made of Configuration and Element itemsComposite keyUnique
ElementElement nameCharacter string255 charactersWith duplicates
StatusStatus of element (grayed, inactive, ...)Radio Button1-byte unsigned integerWith duplicates


For all the keys and for all the components of composite keys:
  • The iteration direction is ascending.
  • The search options are: Case sensitive, Accent sensitive, Space and punctuation sensitive.
GPWElement file

Characteristics of the items:

ElementElement nameCharacter string255 charactersUnique
TypeType of element (edit control, table, etc.)Numeric4-byte integerWith duplicates


For all the keys and for all the components of composite keys:
  • The iteration direction is ascending.
  • The search options are: Case sensitive, Accent sensitive, Space and punctuation sensitive.
GPWConnectionHistory file

Characteristics of the items

ApplicationApplication nameCharacter string255 charactersWith duplicates
ConnectionDateDate for connecting to the applicationDate8 charactersWith duplicates
ConnectionTimeTime for connecting to the applicationTime4 charactersWith duplicates
IPAddressIP address of the computerCharacter string39 charactersWith duplicates
LoginUsername. This username is the identifier used to log in to the applicationCharacter string255 charactersWith duplicates


For all the keys and for all the components of composite keys:
  • The iteration direction is ascending.
  • The search options are: Case sensitive, Accent sensitive, Space and punctuation sensitive.
GPWUser file

Characteristics of the items:

First nameUser's first nameCharacter string255 characters
LoginUsername. This username is the identifier used to log in to the applicationCharacter string255 charactersUnique
NameUser's last nameCharacter string255 characters
PasswordUser passwordCharacter string255 characters
PasswordToEnterDefines whether the user can modify his password during his first connectionBoolean
SupervisorDefines whether the user is a supervisorBoolean


For all the keys and for all the components of composite keys:
  • The iteration direction is ascending.
  • The search options are: Case sensitive, Accent sensitive, Space and punctuation sensitive.
GPWUserConfiguration file

Characteristics of the items:

ApplicationApplication nameCharacter string255 charactersWith duplicates
Application_ConfigurationKey made of Application and Configuration itemsComposite keyWith duplicates
ConfigurationName of user or group of usersCharacter string255 charactersWith duplicates
LoginUsername. This username is the identifier used to log in to the applicationCharacter string255 charactersWith duplicates
Login_ApplicationKey made of Login and Application itemsComposite keyUnique
Login_ConfigurationKey made of Login and ConfigurationComposite keyWith duplicates
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeWindows Remark
For all the keys and for all the components of composite keys:
  • The iteration direction is ascending.
  • The search options are: Case sensitive, Accent sensitive, Space and punctuation sensitive.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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