- Overview
- Creating an internal component
- Creating an internal component
- Internal component: changes made during creation
- Internal component and analysis: Full autonomy
- RAD and internal components with analysis
- Notes and limitations
- Installing an application that uses internal components
An internal component is a set of elements from a project. This set is used to: - Organize a project: You can create internal components to group the elements of a project, by functionality, for example.
- Share elements between different projects: Elements present in an internal component can be shared between several projects via the SCM. For more details, see Sharing an internal component.
One of the advantages of an internal component compared to an external component is that it can be debugged directly from the project that uses it. Difference with an external component: - An internal component integrates all the component's elements into the interface of the project containing the internal component. All the "public" elements of the internal component can be handled directly in the editor.
- When using an external component, the "public" elements of the component cannot be handled directly. To modify the external component, you need to open the corresponding project.
For more details, see External components. Creating an internal component Creating an internal component To create an internal component: - In the "Project Explorer" pane, in the "P" context menu, select "New . New internal component".
- In the second step of the wizard, specify the characteristics of the internal component:
- its name. The name of the internal component will be used for the WCI file that corresponds to the description of the internal component. This name will also be used to create a subdirectory in your project with all the elements of the internal component.
- its caption.
- its description.
- Go to the next step.
- Select the elements that will be included in the internal component. An internal component can contain any type of element present in a project: windows, pages, reports, templates, procedure collections, etc, ...
Note If the elements integrated into the internal component contain links to elements present, for example, in the project or in another internal component, a compilation error appears, indicating that it is not possible to access a project element from an internal component. - Go to the next step.
- Specify the elements of the internal component that will be directly accessible in the code and in the preset actions of the project hosting the internal component.
Note: Internal component elements that are accessible (or "public") will automatically appear in the code suggestions. They can be used by the elements of the project or from another internal component. Inaccessible (or "private") elements can only be used by another element of the internal component (the automatic completion will display "private" elements only from the elements of an internal component). - Go to the next step.
- Specify the analysis used by the internal component. Three modes are available:
- Use the project analysis or no analysis (full share): The internal component accesses the data files of the project. The internal component and the project use the same execution contexts.
This is the default mode if the internal component does not use an analysis. - Use the project analysis with different execution contexts (advanced mode): The internal component accesses the data files of the project. The internal component and the project use different execution contexts.
This mode is reserved to specific cases. - Use a specific analysis The internal component accesses its own data files: it is autonomous. The internal component and the project use different execution contexts.
This is the default mode if the component uses an analysis. In this case, the analysis used by the internal component and its password (if any) must be specified. You can also create a new analysis directly. This analysis will be associated with the internal component.
- Go to the next step.
- Validate the new internal component. At any moment, you can:
Tip: Internal components contain no global variable declaration code. You can use a set of procedures to initialize the internal component. Internal component: changes made during creation When creating an internal component, the following operations are performed: - A subdirectory with the name of the internal component is created in the project.
- The different elements of the internal component are included in the directory of the internal component. The files corresponding to the project elements are physically moved.
- A WCI file is created in the directory of the internal component. This file contains the list of the component elements.
Internal component and analysis: Full autonomy An internal component can be linked to its own analysis. In this case, the project that hosts the internal component can have multiple analyses: RAD and internal components with analysis If a project is associated with multiple analyses, when creating windows or pages via the RAD methodology, you will be able to select the data files linked to the project analysis or to the analysis of the internal components. The elements generated by the RAD for the internal component will be saved in the internal component directory. If changes are made to the analysis of the internal component, the RAD will prompt you to generate the elements these changes applied to. Caution: If the RAD was generated on the project then on an internal component, the templates and the dependencies will not be automatically moved into the directory of the internal component. UI errors may occur. The operations must be performed manually. - Internal components can be shared via the SCM only. For more details, see Sharing internal components.
- A project element cannot be in multiple internal components. A set of procedures cannot be shared between several internal components.
- Internal components cannot be nested.
- Element name management Names are unique between project elements and internal components: it is not possible to use an internal component with an element whose name is already present in the project. If a conflict occurs when updating an internal component, one of the two elements with the same name must be renamed.
- Style management If an internal component uses specific styles, only the project that owns these styles will be able to modify them. In the other projects, the styles will not be lost but they cannot be modified.
- Reports in internal components must not be opened with "Reports & Queries".
- .NET assemblies cannot be included in internal components.
- If you want to organize the elements of an internal component, you can create custom-folders in the internal component. For more details, see Custom-Folders.
- The scope of the functions of a SOAP web service imported into an internal component is limited to the events/processes of the elements included in the internal component. The functions of a web service imported into an internal component will not be accessible in the events/processes of the host project.
Installing an application that uses internal components Internal components have no effect on the operations used to deploy an application or a site. All the elements in the project (whether or not they are internal components) are taken into account when creating the executable and the setup program.
Related Examples:
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[ + ] This example proposes an internal component used to handle a 'Timeline' control template. A timeline is used to linearly display a series of events that occurred over a given period of time. The TPLC_TIMELINE and TPLC_TIMELINE_DOUBLE control templates are used to manage and display a timeline of events.
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Sample components (WINDEV): WD BGInfo
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Training (WINDEV): WD WindowsUpdate
[ + ] This example explains how to manage the updates available on Windows Update. It provides an internal component allowing to download the updates and to install them. You also have the ability to retrieve some specific information about the updates (minimum disk space required, importance level, etc..)
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