Help / Developing and using .NET assemblies
  • Overview
  • WINDEV and .Net
  • Creating .NET assemblies
  • Using existing .NET assemblies
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Stored procedures
.NET is Microsoft's software development platform. This .NET platform simplifies the development of distributed-object applications whose modules communicate via Internet.
This help globally explains how to use the .NET technology in WINDEV. See a specific documentation for more details.
WINDEV and .Net

Creating .NET assemblies

You have the ability to create .NET programs (or .NET assemblies) from a WINDEV application.
These.NET assemblies are built directly from WINDEV classes (with all the advantages from the code editor, the documentation editor, etc).

Using existing .NET assemblies

You can use .NET assemblies (not created with WINDEV) in a WINDEV application or WEBDEV website: simply select the .NET assemblies you want to use in the "Project explorer" pane.
Related Examples:
WD Text-To-Speech Training (WINDEV): WD Text-To-Speech
[ + ] This example explains how to perform a speech synthesis in a WINDEV application by using the SpeechSynthesizer class found in the .NET framework.
- This example requires .Net version 3.0 (or later),
- The speech synthesizer is available in English version by default.
WD Using DOTNET Training (WINDEV): WD Using DOTNET
[ + ] This example converts currencies into other currencies.
The base of this project (the cEuro class) is used to create a.Net assembly
WD Using.NET is presented:
1/ As a WINDEV project and an assembly (all working without.Net in test mode)
2/ As a.Net project written in  C# and a.Net executable
Summary of the example provided with WINDEV:
Now you can use.Net assemblies in WINDEV and you can generate.Net assemblies from WINDEV!
WD Using DotNET classes Training (WINDEV): WD Using DotNET classes
[ + ] This example enables you to use the .NET classes in WLanguage
In this example, we will be using:
- the String class that is used to handle the character strings (switch to lowercase/uppercase characters, count the number of characters, ...).
- the MessageBox class that is used to create custom dialog boxes (ability to choose the text, the icon and the buttons).
These two classes come from the mscorlib.dll and System.Windows.Form.dll assemblies.
- a .NET control used to view the Web pages.

Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:
This example is used to:
- analyze a character string (number of characters, number of words, replacement of characters, ...)
- configure the dialog boxes (buttons, icon, text). The name of the button selected by the user is automatically displayed.
- use a .NET control in order to view the Web pages.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
This page is also available for…
Exemplo System.Xml.XmlDocument
Exemplo System.Xml.XmlDocument


s_xml_assinar is string=EDT_xml // ou em arquivo


PROCEDURE assinar_nfe(_recebe_xml)
Doc is System.Xml.XmlDocument;
//Doc est system.xml.xmldocument;

//Blog com video e exemplo
24 Jun. 2016

Last update: 04/17/2024

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