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  • Notes session (LotusNotes)
  • Outlook session
  • Exchange session
  • SMTP connection (sending only)
  • POP3 connection (reading only)
  • POP3 connection (reading only)
  • IMAP connection (reading only)
Writing an email: the available methods
Notes session (LotusNotes)
To start the Notes session, use EmailStartNotesSession. This function establishes a connection to the Lotus Notes messaging software.
In this case, all the functions used (EmailSend, EmailReadFirst, ...) will be processed by the software that will handle the Notes database.
Everything is managed by Notes (security, history, sending, ...).
Lotus Notes must be installed on the user computer.
Outlook session
To start the Outlook session, use EmailStartOutlookSession. This function establishes a connection to the Outlook messaging software.
In this case, all the functions used (EmailSend, EmailReadFirst, ...) will be processed by the software that will handle the Outlook database.
Everything is managed by Outlook (security, history, sending, ...).
Outlook must be installed on the user computer.
Exchange session
To start the Exchange session, use EmailStartSession. This function establishes a connection to an Exchange server.
In this case, all the functions used (EmailSend, EmailReadFirst, ...) will be processed by the Exchange server.
Everything is managed by Exchange (security, history, sending, ...).
SMTP connection (sending only)
For an SMTP connection, use EmailStartSMTPSession. This function establishes a connection to the messaging server according to the SMTP protocol.
This protocol is used to send emails. It cannot be used to read the emails.
Caution: no backup is performed when sending emails.
POP3 connection (reading only)
For a POP3 connection, use EmailStartPOP3Session. This function establishes a connection to the messaging server according to the POP3 protocol.
This protocol is used to read emails. It cannot be used to send the emails.
POP3 connection (reading only)
For a mixed connection (SMTP+POP3), use EmailStartSession. This function establishes a connection to the messaging server according to the SMTP and POP3 protocols. These protocols are respectively used to send emails and to read emails.
Caution: no backup of the trace is performed when sending emails.
IMAP connection (reading only)
For an IMAP connection, use EmailStartIMAPSession. This function establishes a connection to the messaging server according to the IMAP protocol. This protocol is used to read emails. It cannot be used to send the emails.
Minimum version required
  • Version 20
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Last update: 10/27/2022

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