Help / WLanguage / WLanguage syntax / Declaring variables
  • Passing a fixed array as a parameter to a procedure
  • Declaring a fixed array member
  • Dimension of a fixed array
  • Fixed array of arrays, associative arrays, queues, stacks and lists
  • Limitations: Elements of a fixed array
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Stored procedures
A fixed array is an "advanced" type of array: the dimensions of this array are set at compile time and cannot be modified.
The dimensions of a fixed array are set at compile time only if they correspond to:
  • an integer,
  • a previously created constant.
Otherwise, a WLanguage error occurs when the project is compiled.
Reminder: An array is a structured type used to group together a set of elements of the same type. Each element of the array can be accessed by its index.
It is recommended to use:
  • A fixed array to pass an array as a parameter to the Windows API functions.
  • A dynamic array or a "simple" array if the array needs to be resized during the execution of the program.
  • An associative array to index elements by any type of value.
// Declare a fixed array
CustomerArray is fixed array of 5 by 7 by 3 int
// Equivalent to: CustomerArray is fixed array of 5,7,3 int
// Refer to a fixed array
CustomerArray[2,5,3] = 47
// Equivalent to: CustomerArray[2][5][3] = 47

Declaring a fixed array (syntax 1)

<Array name> is fixed array [ <Dimension 1> [,<Dimension 2> ... [,<Dimension 10>]] ] <Type of array elements>
arrString is fixed array [10] strings
arrInt is fixed array [5,9] int

Declaring a fixed array (syntax 2) Hide the details

<Array name> is fixed array of <Dimension 1> [by <Dimension 2> ... [by <Dimension 10>]] <Type of array elements>


<Array name> is fixed array of <Dimension 1> [,<Dimension 2> ... [,<Dimension 10>]] <Type of array elements>
<Array name>:
Name of the array variable to be declared.
<Dimension 1>...<Dimension 10>:
Dimensions of the array from 1 to 10 (integer).
<Type of array elements>:
Type of the elements in the array. See the different WLanguage types.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeWindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst Remark: The elements of the array can also be arrays, fixed arrays, associative arrays, queues, stacks or lists.
Remark: The an keyword is not required: it is an optional word.

Referencing an element in a fixed one-dimensional array:

<Array name>[Index1]

Referencing an element in a fixed two-dimensional array:

<Array name>[Index1, Index2]


<Array name>[Index1][Index2]

Referencing an element in a fixed N-dimensional array:

<Array name>[Index1, ... , IndexN]


<Array name>[Index1]...[IndexN]

Passing an array as a parameter to a procedure: Hide the details

<Procedure name>(<Array name>)
<Array name>:
Name of the fixed array to be used.
Index of the element for the 1st dimension.
Index of the element for the 2nd dimension.
Index of the element for the Nth dimension (N <= 10).
Remark: An array cannot be handled as a whole. For example, an array cannot be assigned to another array.

Passing a fixed array as a parameter to a procedure

A fixed array can be passed as a parameter to a procedure. To do so, use the following syntax:
<Procedure name>(<Array name>)
For example:
SupplierArray is fixed array of 10 by 50 string
// Call to the DisplayArray procedure

Declaring a fixed array member

A "fixed array" member can be declared in:
  • A class. The fixed array is directly allocated in the class memory area.
  • A composite variable. The fixed array is directly allocated in the memory area of the composite variable.
  • A structure <Structure name>. The fixed array is directly allocated in the memory area of each <Structure name> variable.
For example:
Struct is Structure
	n1 is int
	nArray is fixed array of 2 int
	n2 is int
MyStructure is Struct
Representation of the memory area of "MyStructure":
This memory representation is compatible with the Windows APIs. Therefore, a fixed-size array can be transmitted to a function of the Windows APIs.

Dimension of a fixed array

The Dimension function and the Count property are used to get the number of elements in a fixed array.
Reminder: A fixed array cannot be resized.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeWindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst

Fixed array of arrays, associative arrays, queues, stacks and lists

The following syntaxes are supported:
<variable> is fixed array of 5 arrays of int
<variable> is fixed array of 5 arrays of 5 int

<variable> is fixed array of 5 fixed arrays of 5 int

<variable> is fixed array of 5 associative arrays of int
<variable> is fixed array of 5 associative arrays (withDuplicates) of int
<variable> is fixed array of 5 associative arrays (withDuplicates,wlInt) of int

<variable> is fixed array of 5 queues of int

<variable> is fixed array of 5 stacks of int

<variable> is fixed array of 5 lists of int

Limitations: Elements of a fixed array

  • A fixed array can include classes only if these classes have a constructor without parameters (or with optional parameters).
  • A fixed array cannot include composite variables.
  • AndroidAndroid Widget JavaPHP A fixed array cannot include arrays.
  • Java It is not possible to create fixed arrays of classes or structures.
  • The size of a fixed array cannot exceed 2GB.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Example Array [N,X]
//Example Array [N,X]

arrMensajes is array of 1 by 3 strings

i is int = 1


WHILE SQLFetch(ds) = 0
arrMensajes[i,1] = SQLGetCol(ds, 1) //id
arrMensajes[i,2] = SQLGetCol(ds, 2) //numero
arrMensajes[i,3] = SQLGetCol(ds, 3) //mensaje
Dimension(arrMensajes, i, 3)
17 Jul. 2019

Last update: 04/04/2024

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