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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage syntax / Operators
  • Use
  • Rules
  • Calculation rules
  • Notes
  • Result display
  • Equivalence
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Stored procedures
Arithmetic operators
The arithmetic operators are:
  • "+": Addition (numeric value or string).
  • "-": Subtraction (numeric value).
  • "*": Multiplication.
  • "/": Division.
  • "++": Increment (numeric value).
  • "--": Decrement (numeric value).
  • "+=": Adding a value to the variable or to the control (numeric or text).
  • "-=": Subtracting a value from the variable or from the control (numeric).
  • Modulo: Returns the remainder of a division.
  • "%": Returns the remainder of an integer division (Modulo equivalent).
  • "^": Power (equivalent to Power).

Calculation rules

The different calculations are performed without loss of precision and without being truncated. The flow checks are performed when the result is assigned to a variable.

Result display

The result of the calculation can be directly displayed using the following operators:
  • "++": Incremental
  • "--": Decrement
When the ++ (--) operator is used as an expression (e.g.: Info(x++)), its behavior is determined by the position of the operator, relative to the incremented variable:
  • ++x (--x) => increments (decrements) x then returns x.
  • x++ (x--) => returns the value of x then increments (decrements) x.
For example:
let x is int = 5
Trace(x++) 	// Affiche 5. x vaut 6 
Trace(++x) 	// Affiche 7. x vaut 7
Trace(--x) 	// Affiche 6. x vaut 6
Trace(x--) 	// Affiche 6. x vaut 5
Trace(x)	// Affiche 5
The result of the calculation cannot be directly displayed by the following operators:
  • "+=": Adding a value to the variable or to the control (numeric or text)
  • "-=": Subtracting a value from the variable or from the control (numeric)
Therefore, this example generates an error during the compilation:
num is int = 10
To display the result, perform the following modifications:
num is int = 10
num += 1


  • j ++ is equivalent to j = j + 1
  • j -- is equivalent to j = j - 1
  • j += 3 is equivalent to j = j + 3
  • j -= 3 is equivalent to j = j - 3
We recommend that you use the following syntaxes: "j ++", "j --", "j +=" and "j -=", that are faster than the usual syntaxes.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 04/30/2024

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