- When should indirection be used?
- Identifying the current object
- Indirection on a structure
- Using the indirection on the paths in an XML document
- Limitations
Indirection operators In french: Opérateurs d'indirection
Operators { and operators } operators are used to access a field, variable, class member or data file item by dynamically constructing the name of the field, variable, class member or item. The { and } operators present several benefits: - Passing as parameter the name of a control, variable, class member or item.
- Building the name of a control, variable, class member or item programmatically.
{"NAME"} = CustName
{"CUSTWIN.NAME"} = CustName
{"CUSTWIN"+".NAME"} = CustName
{"Name",indControl} = CustName
nFileName is string = "Customer"
{nFileName + ".Name"} = "Smith"
ControlName is string
ControlName = "EDT_EDIT1"
PROCEDURE Make_Invisible(ControlN)
{NChamp}..Status = Invisible
AliasName is string
AliasName = PreviousWin()
{AliasName+".NAME"} = CustName
Abbrev is string
ItemName is string
{Abbrev+"."+ItemName} = CustName
{Abbrev+"."+ItemName} = {ControlName}
MyClass is Class
Member1 is string
Member2 is string
GLOBAL procedure DisplayMember(Number)
Value is string = {"::Member"+Number}
c is cWord
var is Variable Description
Def is Definition
Def = GetDefinition(c)
var = Def..Variable[2]
Trace("Word version: ",{c, var})
Syntax <Expression>: Character string Expression used to identify the control, the variable or the item to use. The element is sought:- among the variables,
- according to the number of dots found in the name:
- 0 point: search among fields, then HFSQL items.
- 1 point: search among HFSQL items, fields, then query parameters.
- greater than 1 point: search among fields.
- among the special elements kept for compatibility (_Tabx for example, ...).
A WLanguage error occurs if this expression corresponds to an empty string (""). <Expression>: Character string Expression used to identify the class member.If the member is: - global, use the following syntax: {":: MemberName"}
- is not global, use the following syntax: {": MemberName"}
A WLanguage error occurs if this expression corresponds to an empty string (""). <Class>: Character string Class instance <Member>: Character string or Variable Description variable Corresponds to:
Indirection by specifying the element type (optimizes the execution speed) Hide the details
{ <Expression>, <Type> }
<Expression>: Character string Expression used to identify the control, the variable or the item to use. A WLanguage error occurs if this expression corresponds to an empty string (""). <Type>: Constant Constant used to specify the type of sought element: | | indControl | Element sought among the controls and the groups. | indConnection | Element sought among the connections. | indReport | Element sought among the reports. | indWindow | Element sought among the windows. | indFile | Item searched for in data files. | indGPW | Element sought among the elements of user groupware (used to retrieve the initial status of controls). | indLink | Element sought among the links. | indQueryParameter | Element sought among the parameters of queries. | indItem | Element sought among the items. | indVariable | Element sought among the variables. | indPage | Element sought among the pages. |
Remarks When should indirection be used? The indirection can be used for example: - To access the value of an element (control, variable, item, ...):
{s_ControlName} = 10
ControlValue = {s_ControlName}
- To use a property:
{s_ControlName}..Height = 10
- To programmatically handle a column of a Table control:
{s_ColumnName, indControl}[Row_Number] = 10
- To handle a table column:
{s_TableName + "." +s_ColumnName, indControl}[Row_Number] = 10
Related Examples:
Unit examples (WINDEV): The indirections
[ + ] Handling indirections via the { and } operators. The { and } operators are used to access a control or a file item by dynamically building the control name or the item name. This program, powered by WINDEV, implements the indirection mechanism on the window controls to manage the "Undo-Redo" and "Cut-Copy-Paste" features in a generic way.
Unit examples (WEBDEV): The indirections
[ + ] This example explains how to use the indirections on a variable. You will notice that the indirections are available for the controls, the items, the links, etc. The principle is identical to the one presented in this example.
Unit examples (WINDEV Mobile): The indirections
[ + ] Using the indirection { and } operators. The { and } operators are used to access a control or a file item by dynamically building the control name or the item name. This example implements the indirection mechanism on the window controls to manage the "Undo-Redo" and "Cut-Copy-Paste" features in a generic way.
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