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Stored procedures
Designation of current element (Reserved word)
The keywords used to identify the current element are:
MyWindowAllows you to handle the current window.
MyRightSlidingWindowAllows you to handle the right sliding window associated with the current window.
MyLeftSlidingWindowAllows you to handle the left sliding window associated with the current window.
MyInternalWindowAllows you to handle the current internal window.
MyPageAllows you to handle the current page
MySourceAllows you to handle the current data source
MySelfAllows you to handle the current control
MyPopupControlAllows you to handle the control that opened a popup window
MyReportAllows you to handle the current report
MyFileAllows you to handle the file that released the trigger from the trigger code.
MyParentAllows you to handle the current supercontrol from one of its controls
Object / ThisAllows you to handle the current class.
MyThreadAllows you to handle the Thread object that executes the current code.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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