Factorizes the expression of an element on which several sub-elements or properties are accessed. WITH Control ..X = 5 ..Y = 6 END
WITH ClassVariable .Member = 5 END
WITH <Expression representing a base element> .<Sub-element> ..<Property> :<Member or attribute> END
<WITH>: Marks the beginning of the statement block. <Expression representing a base element>: Element used. The following elements can be used: - the controls,
- the HFSQL files,
- the data sources,
- the advanced types (Record, xmlNode, ...),
- the structures,
- the classes,
- the .NET objects and the Windows Store app objects.
Caution: The expression representing the base element is evaluated once only. <END>: Marks the end of the statement block. Remarks The WITH blocks can be nested. However, the element on which the accesses to the sub-elements, properties or members are performed is always the element of the most inside block. oo is gglCalendar sTitle, sAuthorName are strings WITH oo sTitle = ..Title WITH ..Author sAuthorName = ..Name END END
- In a class method, you cannot access the members of the class with the <:Member> syntax inside a WITH block. The ':' operator is reserved to the element of the WITH block.
- The debugger is used to view the sub-elements of the current WITH block.
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